Open Symposium
"Conflicts in Africa and a Culture of Peace and Coexistence"
February 16, 2001 |
"Fuyo-no-ma" Room, Banquet Flr., Main Bldg. Hotel New Otani |
Co-hosts: | The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA) |
| Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, |
| Supported by: Nihon Keizai Shimbun, The Japan Times |
Thrusday, Feb. 15 Restricted Meeting
9:00 - 9:30 |
- Opening Speech
- Amb. OWADA Hisashi

9:30 - 12:30 |
- Session1
- An African Solution to an African Problem ? - Cultural Dimension to Conflict Resolution in Africa
- While keeping in mind the relevance to Sessions 2 and 3, we will analyze individual conflicts in modern-day Africa within it's cultural context, studying the principal parties involved and the underlying causes. We will focus special attention on the involvement of "civil society."
We will examine African conflicts from a variety of perspectives, seeking to discover the characteristics of these conflicts - particularly the connection between the involvement of "civil society" (non-governmental actors) and a "culture of peace and coexistence" - by looking at individual examples. Accordingly, we will consider and analyze the characteristics of conflicts in Central Africa (Great Lakes Region, Angola, etc.), West Africa (Cote d'Ivoire, Sierra Leone, etc.), etc
- Chair
- Amb. Hisashi OWADA
- Presentation
Abdulsalami A.ABUBAKAR
- Patrick CHABAL
(12:30 - 14:00) | Break |
14:15 - 17:00 |
- Session2:
- Culture of Reconciliation in Africa
- Keeping in mind the traditional cultural context of Africa, we will examine the examples of national reconciliation in Africa (South Africa, Mozambique, etc.). We will also discuss the base that promotes the national reconciliation. We will verify the role played in South Africa by the Committee for Truth and Reconciliation, which paved the way for the historical reconciliation between assailants and victims.
We will also study examples of conflicts that have been prevented or resolved peacefully (Tuareg insurgency: "Flame of Peace", MISAB in Republique Centrafrique) and cultural aspects that promoted it.
- Chair
- HORIUCHI Shinsuke
- Presentation
- Amadou T. TOURE
- Amara ESSY
Alan LAX
- FUKUI Katsuyoshi
- Princeton N. LYMAN
19:00 |
- Welcoming Reception co-hosted by the JIIA and the MOFA
Friday, Feb. 16 Open Symposium |
9:00 - 9:30 |
- Opening Speech
- Mr. ARAKI Kiyohiro
- Amb. OWADA Hisashi
9:30 - 10:00 |
- Keynote Speech:
Conflict prevention in Africa and efforts toward building a culture of peace and coexistence
Abdulsalami A.ABUBAKAR
(10:00 - 10:15 Intermission) |
10:15 - 12:30 |
- Session3:
- The Role of 'Civil Society' in Africa for Conflict Prevention and Resolution
- We will examine the roles played by opinion leaders, NGOs, mass media, multinational corporations, and women.
- Chair
- Amb. Hisashi OWADA
- Presentation
- Amb. Noureini TIDJANI-SERPOS
- Amb. Gertrude I. MONGELLA
- Comment Ms. Bineta DIOP
- Presentation Ms. Agnes CHAN
- Mr. Claude WAUTHIER
- Comment Mr. Akira IRIYAMA
- Mr. Satoru ANZAKI
14:30 - 16:30 |
- Session4:
- An Approach to a "Culture of Peace and Coexistence in Africa"
- We will discuss cooperation between "civil society" and African governments and other parties as well as support for the efforts of "civil society" from the international community.
16:30 |
- Closing Remarks:
- Yasuaki NOGAWA

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