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JIIA Public Symposium "Technological Innovation and Changes in the International Order" Study Report
Geopolitical Changes Due to Unconventional Resource Development
--Examining Japan's Energy Strategy and Resource Diplomacy--(2013-02-21)

Moderator: TOICHI Tsutomu, Advisor, The Institute of Energy Economics
"A Re-examination of Current Energy Supply and Demand" / TAKEISHI Reiji, Professor, School of International Relations, Tokyo International University
"The Shale Resource Revolution" / NOGAMI Takayuki, Senior Economist, Japan Oil,Gas and Metals National Corporation(JOGMEC)
"Japan's Energy Strategy and Resource Diplomacy" / AKIMOTO Satohiro, Depyty General Manager, Global Strategy & Business Development Department, Mitsubishi Corporation (This presentation is omitted from video streaming according to presenter's request.)