Research is one of the core activities of JIIA to provide useful policy ideas and analysis. JIIA conducts a wide range of research including international relations, economic issues and regional topics. The results of our research are widely disseminated to stimulate informed public debate. Our study groups/taskforces bring together distinguished scholars and practitioners for research projects. Along with these research findings, we offer periodic as well as occasional publications that include monthly journal Kokusai Mondai (International Affairs) and AJISS Commentary.
Ongoing Research Programs (FY2017-2019)
A. Japan’s rule-making strategy in a transition period of international order- China’s rise and renewed cooperation among Japan, the US, and Europe.
- Ⅰ
- China in a “new era” and transformation of the international order
- Ⅱ
- Vacillating international order and future of American global leadership
- Ⅲ
- Japan-Europe cooperation in the context of US-China hegemonic competition
B. Japan’s security in an era of great power competition
- Ⅰ
- The Japan-US alliance in an era of great power competition
- Ⅱ
- The Korean peninsula and the future of the peninsular order in an“era of great power competition”
- Ⅲ
- Russia in an era of great power competition
C. Competition and cooperation in a transforming international order- Recommendations for Japanese foreign policy to rebuild global governance
- Ⅰ
- Economic-Security Linkages
- Ⅱ
- Global Issues
- Ⅲ
- The Middle East and Africa
D. Beyond US-China relations: and Indo-Pacific strategy for Japan as a “cornerstone state” in building a free and open regional order
Research Outcomes
A-1: The Trump Administration’s Foreign Policy and Japan-US Relations
A-2: China’s Foreign Policy and Other Countries’ China Policies
B. Bottom-up Review of Security Policy
B-1: Bottom-up Review (Security Research)
B-2: Korean Peninsula in an ‘Age of Uncertainty’ and Japan’s Foreign / Security Policy
C-1: World Economy
C-2: Global Risk
Subgroup (2) Analysis of Populism and Demographic Shift (Immigrant and Refugee) Issues
D-1: Rule of Law in the Indo-Pacific: Japan’s foreign policy for enhancing global public goods
BOOK (available in Japanese)
JIIA has published over one hundred books.
[Recent titles]
What Do Alliances Mean to the US?
(Fumiaki Kubo ed., 2013)
Political Infrastructure of American Politics
(Fumiaki Kubo ed., 2010)
More Publications
JOURNAL (available in Japanese)
JIIA has published monthly journal "Kokusai Mondai (International Affairs)" since 1960, which is a leading journal of scholarly analysis of Japanese fereign policy and international affairs. It is available to JIIA member and by paid subscription.
"The Japan Review" is an English journal that is published three times a year, offering a broad range of expertise on foreign policy issues connected to East Asia. With the Japan Review, our objective is to outline key areas related to the context and challenges Japan faces on a range of historical and geo-strategic issues.
Along with research projects, JIIA puts forward policy recommendations on topical issues of Japanese foreign policy and international affairs.
[Recent policy recommendations]
"A New Security Strategy for Addressing the Challenges in the Turbulent International Order 11 Recommendations for the Defense of Japan"(Nobember 29, 2018)
Column / Report / Other Papers
Navigating by Sun and Compass: "Policy Brief One: Learning from the History of Japan-NATO Relations" / Mirna Galic (2019-06-11)
[JIIA Strategic Comments] Rising Tensions in the Persian Gulf and Japan’s Expected Role / Mari Nukii (2019-05-27)
[JIIA Strategic Comments] The Multi-Domain Defense Force: Assessment and Challenges / Tetsuo Kotani (2018-12-28)
AJISS-Commentary is an occasional op-ed type publication. It aims to present a variety of Japanese views on international relations to international intellectuals interested in Japanese external policy.
TICAD's Uniqueness and Future Prospects
Yoshifumi Okamura (2019-11-08)
The Impact of the US-China Confrontation on the World
Toshiya Tsugami (2019-10-28)
The Japan-US Trade Agreement: The "First-Stage Initial Tariff Agreement"
Junichi Sugawara (2019-10-24)
A System of Policies to Support the Free Flow of Data
Fukunari Kimura (2019-10-08)

A highlight of JIIA's recent activities and a summary of its organization.
Kokusai Mondai (International Affairs)
No.680 April 2019 "Protecting Human Rights via International Procedures"
Vol.2 No.4 Spring 2019
"Japan and the Post-World War II Liberal International Order"
What Do Alliances Mean to the US?
(Fumiaki Kubo ed., 2013)