Japan Digital Library / Japan and the World Series
Japan and the World Series (March 2017)
These articles were translated by JIIA from Japanese into English as to promote Japanese scholarly works on international relations. JIIA takes full responsibility for the translation of these articles. To obtain permission to use these articles beyond the scope of your personal use and research, please contact JIIA by e-mail ().
Citation: Japan and the World, Japan Digital Library (March 2017), http://www2.jiia.or.jp/en/digital_library/world.php
- Nobumasa Akiyama, "America’s Nuclear Nonproliferation Order and Japan-US Relations"
Originally published as “Amerika no Kakufukakusan Chichujo to Nichibei Kankei,” in Seiji Endo, ed., Nihon no Anzenhosho: Nichibei Ampo to Jieitai [Japan’s security: the US-Japan security relations and the Self-Defense Force] (Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 2015), 169-202.
- Toshiya Hoshino, "Japan’s Policies on Conflict Prevention and International Peace Cooperation Activities"
Originally published as Toshiya Hoshino, “Funsoyobo to Kokusaiheiwa Kyoryoku Katsudo” in Ryo Oshiba, ed., Nihon no Gaiko: Taigaiseisaku-Kadaihen [Japan’s diplomacy: external policy-challenges], Vol. 5 (Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 2013), 71-95.
- Noriyo Isozaki, "Mutual Recognition in Japanese and Korean Civic Society"
Originally published as “Nikkan Shimin Shakai niokeru Sogoninshiki,” in Noriyo Isozaki and Chong-koo Lee, eds., Nikkan Kankeishi 1965-2015 III Shakai-Bunka [history of Japan-South Korea relations, 1965-2015, Vol.3: society and culture] (Tokyo: The University of Tokyo Press, 2015), 29-60.
- Ryosei Kokubun, "From the “1972 System” to “Strategic Mutual Benefits”—Japan’s Foreign Policy toward China"
Originally published as “‘1972 Shistemu’ kara ‘Senryakugokei’ e: TaichuGaiko,” in Ryosei Kokubun, ed., Nihon no Gaiko Dai 4 Kan [Japan’s diplomacy vol. 4] (Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 2013), 111-142.
- Masatsugu Naya, "Rise of Emerging Countries and Transformation of the International System"
Originally published as Masatsugu Naya “Shinkokoku no Taito to Kokusai Shisutemu no Henyo”in Kokusai Mondai [international affairs] no. 618 (2013), 5-16.
- Kazuyoshi Nishikura, "Reexamination of the Process of the Enactment of China’s Territorial Sea Law—Internal Conflict over the Specification of the Senkaku Islands"
Originally published as “Chugoku Ryokaihou Seiteikatei nitsuiteno Saikensho,” in Ryukoku Hougaku [Ryukoku law review]), 48 (1) (2015), 189-218.
- Tetsushi Sonobe, "Industrial Development: Strategic Assistance for “Japan Brand ODA"
Originally published as ”Sangyo Hatten: Nihon no Kaogamieru Senryaku Shien, in Takashi Kurosaki and Keijiro Otsuka, eds., Korekara no Nihon no Kokusai Kyoryoku: Biggu Dona kara Sumato Dona e [future of Japan’s international cooperation: from big donner to smart donner] (Tokyo: Nihon Hyoronsha, 2015), 187-205.
- Hirofumi Tosaki, "The North Korean Nuclear Issue and Japan’s Deterrence Posture"
Originally published as Hirofumi Tosaki “Kitachosen no Kakumondai to Nihon no Yokushitaisei: Genjo to Kadai” in the Japan Institute of International Affairs’ Report on the Korean Peninsula (March 2016), Chapter 13, 139-155, http://www2.jiia.or.jp/pdf/research/H27_Korean_Peninsula/13-tosaki.pdf
- Toru Yanagihara, “International Trends in Development Aid and Japan’s ODA”
Originally published as “Kokusai Enjo Choryu to Nihon no ODA” in Kokusai Mondai [international affairs], No.637 (2014), 37-47.
- Taku Yukawa, “ASEAN Norms–Argument Yielding to Change”
Originally published as Taku Yukawa “Asean ni okeru Kihan: Ronsokara Henyo e” in Susumu Yamakage, ed., Atarashii Asean [a new ASEAN] (Institute of Developing Economies, 2011), 209-252.
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