For nearly two thousand years, China and Korea have been important neighbors for Japan. Japan's security and prosperity have been closely connected with circumstances on the Asian continent and the Korean peninsula. While the Republic of Korea (ROK) is Japan's most important neighbouring country sharing democracy and other fundamental values, Japan and China cooperate in a “mutually beneficial relationship based on common strategic interests" as the world's second and third largest economies. JIIA conducts various projects on China and the Korean peninsula.
JIIA is engaged in a range of research on international and global issues. Our research emphasizes policy analysis and recommendation as well as the dissemination of information to stimulate informed public debate.
D. Beyond US-China relations: and Indo-Pacific strategy for Japan as a “cornerstone state” in building a free and open regional order
A-2: China’s Foreign Policy and Other Countries’ China Policies
B-2: Korean Peninsula in an ‘Age of Uncertainty’ and Japan’s Foreign / Security Policy
AJISS-Commentary is an occasional op-ed type publication. It aims to present a variety of Japanese views on international relations to international intellectuals interested in Japanese external policy.
The Impact of the US-China Confrontation on the World
Toshiya Tsugami (2019-10-28)
Between Nonproliferation and Regional Arrangements: Japan's Position in the Current Korean Impasse
Hideya Kurata (2019-08-22)
China's Quest for a "High-quality Belt and Road Initiative"
Asei Ito (2019-07-18)
Overcoming One of the Greatest Challenges in the Twenty Years Since the Japan-South Korea Joint Declaration
Tetsuya Hakoda (2018-12-21)
JIIA organizes some 30 forums annually in which we invites distinguished speakers from Japan and abroad to address germane issues and offer insights on international relations and Japanese foreign policy.
JIIA regularly organizes international conference to exchange opinions and discuss policies. We hold a variety of meetings at which officials, journalists, academics and other foreign-policy specialists debate world affairs.
3rd Japan-India Dialogue, Tokyo
Japan-US Security Seminar Follow-up Meeting, Washington, DC
8th JIIA-IPIS (Institute for Political and International Studies, Iran) Roundtable, Tehran
2nd JIIA-CSR (Center for Strategic Research, Expediency Discernment Council, Iran) Dialogue, Tehran
JIIA-IIRI (Ilmin International Relations Institute (IIRI), Korea University) Dialogue, Seoul
JIIA-RAND Corporation Dialogue, Tokyo
4th JIIA-INSS (Institute for National Security Strategy, South Korea) Dialogue, Tokyo
3rd JIIA-IIS (Institute of International Studies, Fudan University, China) Dialogue, Tokyo
A highlight of JIIA's recent activities and a summary of its organization.
Kokusai Mondai (International Affairs)
No.680 April 2019 "Protecting Human Rights via International Procedures"
What Do Alliances Mean to the US?
(Fumiaki Kubo ed., 2013)