Column / Report / Other Papers
Navigating by Sun and Compass: "Policy Brief One: Learning from the History of Japan-NATO Relations" / Mirna Galic (2019-06-11)
(Report from visiteng fellow) "Budding Ties? The Impact of Brexit on Europe-Japan Relations" / Irina Angelescu (2018-04-12)
Column: [US-China Relations Report] Vol.3 "Australia and US-China Relations" / Yusuke Ishihara (2016-04-26)
Column: [US-China Relations Report] Vol.5 "US-China Relations and the Korean Peninsula" / Hideya Kurata (2016-03-31)
Column: [US-China Relations Report] Vol.7 "The Three Noes and Four Noes" / Yoshifumi Nakai (2016-03-22)
Column: [US-China Relations Report] Vol.6 "Key Points of Contention in US‐China Economic Relations" / Hideo Ohashi (2016-03-22)
Column: [US-China Relations Report] Vol.1 "The Fog Surrounding China's Cyber Security" / Motohiro Tsuchiya (2015-09-11)
Column: "Rebuilding Peace Building: Five Insights from a Japanese Perspective" / Hideaki Asahi, Adjunct Fellow, JIIA / Former Japanese Ambassador to East Timor (2014-05-29)
Including Japan in South Korea's "Trustpolitik" / Leif-Eric Easley (2014-03-25)
China’s Evolving Reconnaissance-Strike Capabilities —Implications for the U.S.-Japan Alliance— / Ian Easton (2014-02-19)
Special Contribution to KOKUSAI MONDAI June 2013 Issue titled "Endgame: Challenges for the United States in finalizing the TPP Negotiations" / Mireya Solís(2013-06-14)
Special Contribution to KOKUSAI MONDAI June 2013 Issue titled "FTAs in the Asia-Pacific: a Chinese Perspective" / Zhang Yunling and Shen Minghui(2013-06-14)
Special Contribution to KOKUSAI MONDAI Sep 2012 Issue titled "U.S. Policy Toward the Korean Peninsula: Accomplishments and Future Challenges" Scott Snyder, Senior Fellow for Korea Studies, Council on Foreign Relations.(2012-09-14)
2011-2012 JIIA Research Project "Policies Needed to Ensure Japan's International Competitiveness" (2012-06-07)
Special Contribution to KOKUSAI MONDAI (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS) Jan-Feb 2012 Issue titled "Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake -Toward a Japan More Open to the World -" IOKIBE Makoto, President, National Defense Academy of Japan(2012-01-15)
Column: "Is it in Japan's interest to abandon nuclear power ?" Tetsuya Endo, Senior Adjunct Fellow of JIIA and Former Vice Chairman of Japan Atomic Energy Commission (2011-08-24)
The World and Japan's Foreign Policy in the Future: Prospects in 20 Years (Provisional Translation) (2011-05-20)
Column: "On Multilateralism -Ideas and Actions of a World Banker-" Research paper written by Hideaki Asahi, Professor of the University of Tokyo and Adjunct Fellow of JIIA.(2010-12-03)
U.S.-Japan-India Strategic Dialogue, September 22-24, 2010 Washington,D.C (2010-10-28)
JIIA Public Symposium: Strengthening Japan-Pacific Islands Countries Partnership.(2010-09-13) On September 13, JIIA invited policy-makers and experts from Japan and Pacific Island countries and held a public symposium “Strengthening Japan-Pacific Island Countries Partnership.” It drew an audience of almost 200 and vibrant, fruitful discussion was held between Japan and PIC panelists. JIIA recently submitted a summary report and policy recommendations to Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the coming Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting (PALM) Mid-Term Ministerial Conference to be held on October 16.(2010-09-13)
ASEAN Study Group Report (2010-03-31) (2010-09-06)
EU Foreign Policy after the Lisbon Treaty: Challenges and Opportunities Baroness Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Vice-President of the European Commission (2010-08-25)
The Fifth Japan - Australia Track 1.5 Dialogue (2010-03-31) (2010-08-10)
U.S.-Japan-India Strategic Dialogue December 4 -6, 2009 Tokyo,Japan (2009-12-06) (2009-12-06)
Maritime cooperation: challenges and opportunities Dr Anthony Bergin, Director of Research Programs, ASPI (2009-08-20)
Defence and security policy developments in Australia Dr Mark Thomson, The Australian Strategic Policy Institute (2009-08-20)
Obama's administration's foreign and security policy, and its implications for Australia Dr Rod Lyon, The Australian Strategic Policy Institute (2009-08-20)
Obama Administration's Foreign and Security Policy and its Implications for Australia and Japan Dr Eiichi Katahara, The National Institute for Defense Studies (2009-08-19)
Developments in Japan's Defense and Security Policy -With a Focus on Cooperation with Australia- Dr Tatsuo Akaneya, The University of Tsukuba (2009-08-19)
Maritime Cooperation : Challenges and Opportunities -Japanese Perspective- VADM (ret) Hideaki Kaneda (2009-08-19)
"Global Strategic Challenges as Played Out in Asia" - The 2nd IISS-JIIA Conference (2009-06-03)
"Peace-Building in Practice: Lessons from the Ground"
- Forging Japan's New Strategy for Peace Building -
Research paper written by Hideaki Asahi, Professor of International Relations and Graduate Program on Human Security at the University of Tokyo and Senior Adjunct Fellow at JIIA.
U.S.-Japan-India Strategic Dialogue (2009-03-01)
Afghanistan : Japan's Experiences Revisited (2008-12-15)
"Asia's Strategic Challenges: In Search of a Common Agenda".
- Policy Recommendations for G8 from IISS-JIIA Tokyo Conference
The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA) held an international forum in partnership with the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) to commemorate IISS's 50th anniversary. Titled "Asia's Strategic Challenges: In Search of a Common Agenda," the forum brought together a medium-sized group of leaders of government, business, academia, and media from Asia and its global partners to discuss environmental, energy, proliferation, and other security challenges most acutely facing Asian states and ideas for forging a common security agenda.
"Atoms for the Sustainable Future: Recommendations on Nuclear Energy in the 21st Century" A taskforce organized by The Japan Institute of International Affairs submitted on January 9 to Japanese Foreign Minister Masahiko Komura a policy report calling for a "balanced approach" to nuclear energy, one that would promote nuclear energy while adequately and effectively addressing various nuclear risks. (2008-03-19)
The 4th Australia and Japan 1.5 Track Security Dialogue, 10-11 December 2007, Canberra. Proceedings. (2007-12-11)
"Japan's Missile Defense: Diplomatic and Security Policies in a Changing Strategic Environment" (2007-03-31)
"Resolving the North Korean Nuclear Problem: A Regional Approach and the Role of Japan" (2005-07-22)

A highlight of JIIA's recent activities and a summary of its organization.
Kokusai Mondai (International Affairs)
No.680 April 2019 "Protecting Human Rights via International Procedures"
Vol.2 No.4 Spring 2019
"Japan and the Post-World War II Liberal International Order"
What Do Alliances Mean to the US?
(Fumiaki Kubo ed., 2013)