Request for Donations
Since its founding the Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA) has relied on the generous support of a great number of donors to pursue its research activities, and on April 1, 2012, in its 53rd year in existence, JIIA was designated a public interest incorporated foundation by the Prime Minister in recognition of the significant degree to which its activities serve the public interest. In addition to conducting research on international affairs, JIIA seeks to diffuse knowledge and disseminate information about international issues and to help ensure the sound administration of Japan’s foreign policy primarily by engaging in the following endeavors:
- Research studies and policy recommendations pertaining to international affairs
- Dialogues and exchanges on international affairs with Japanese/foreign universities, research institutes, research groups, etc.
- Projects pertaining to the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), etc.
- Diffusion of knowledge and dissemination of information inside and outside Japan on the aforementioned endeavors and on other international issues through electronic media, magazines, books and other publications as well as seminars, lectures, discussion meetings, and similar gatherings
- Other projects deemed necessary to achieve the Institute’s aims
We are keenly aware that one of our institute’s key roles is actively giving back to society via our research results while at the same time creating/pursuing research activities that meet the needs of the public. To fulfill these lofty ambitions, it is absolutely essential that we solidify our financial foundation so, even as we undertake comprehensive measures to reduce expenses, we would like to ask for your support of JIIA’s multifaceted efforts. The donations offered to assist JIIA in its endeavors will be utilized responsibly and productively for the ends described above, and the uses made of donations will be reported from time to time via “information disclosure” on our website.
Please make all donations via bank transfers.
The application form should be downloaded, completed, and then sent by FAX or e-mailed as an attachment.
Tax incentives
Persons resident in Japan
<JIIA as a special public interest promotion corporation>
Donations made to JIIA as a special public interest promotion corporation are eligible for tax breaks, with such donations deductible from taxable income for income taxes (individuals) or corporate taxes (corporations).
(Note) A special public interest promotion corporation is a public interest corporation identified as promoting education or science, improving culture, advancing social welfare or otherwise contributing substantially to the public interest; individual or corporate donations to such an entity are eligible for tax breaks.
<JIIA as a corporation eligible for tax-deductible donations (certification pending)>
An FY2011 revision of the tax code created a new scheme by which individual donors to an incorporated foundation recognized as a public interest incorporated foundation and subsequently certified as such by an administrative agency can choose between a new direct tax deduction and the pre-existing taxable income deduction. JIIA has applied for certification, and will report the outcome on its website upon completion of the necessary procedures.
Should JIIA's application to become a corporation eligible for tax-deductible donations be approved, individuals making donations will be able when filing their tax returns to choose between taking the aforementioned direct tax deduction or the pre-existing taxable income deduction applicable to donations to special public interest promotion corporations. Corporations making donations will continue to be able to use the separate framework for deductible expenses applicable to donations made to special public interest promotion corporations.
- -The names of donors will be posted (except for those donors wishing to remain anonymous).
- -Rules on the Handling of Donations, etc.
Persons resident outside Japan
Tax codes differ by country, so please check with the tax authorities in your country for further details.
Inquiries should be directed to:
The Japan Institute of International Affairs
TEL 03-3503-7261 FAX 03-3503-7292

A highlight of JIIA's recent activities and a summary of its organization.
Kokusai Mondai (International Affairs)
No.680 April 2019 "Protecting Human Rights via International Procedures"
Vol.2 No.4 Spring 2019
"Japan and the Post-World War II Liberal International Order"
What Do Alliances Mean to the US?
(Fumiaki Kubo ed., 2013)