JIIA Forum /
JIIA regularly organizes important symposiums and forums and a variety of international conferences and other meetings that significantly contribute to enhancing public awareness on international affairs and developing global networks and collaboration. Distinguished speakers from around the world are invited to these symposiums/forums to speak on current international affairs and Japanese foreign policy and to offer the public their insights on issues.

JIIA Forum / Symposium

The Japan Institute of International Affairs hosted a webinar on October 19, 2022 titled "The Next Era of Globalization: How Can WTO Contribute to Creating New International Environment?" with Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director General of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
... → link to Event Report
The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA) held a public webinar on June 16, 2022 entitled "The Ukraine Crisis and the United Nations: Limitations and Possibilities".
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The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA) held an open webinar "How Not to Sanction" on May 11, 2022. The invited speaker, Professor Daniel Drezner of Tufts University, one of the world's leading experts on economic sanctions, discussed the lessons learned through the examination and analysis of the cases of economic sanction failure.
... → link to Event ReportThe Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA) held the 15th Japan-Singapore Symposium (JSS) in collaboration with the Singapore Institute of International Affairs (SIIA) on 25-26 January 2022.
At the roundtable on 25 January, the participants from both sides exchanged views on (1) Political and Security Development in the Indo-Pacific: Implications for Japan and ASEAN; (2)Review of Japan-Singapore Bilateral Relations in the Regional Context; and (3) Regional Economic Relations including Trade Agreements.
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On December 21, The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA) and the Delhi Policy Group (DPG) held an Open Session entitled "Enhancing Japan-India cooperation for FOIP and role of the Quad" as part of the 4th Japan-India Indo-Pacific Forum (Japan-India Track 1.5 Dialogue) co-organized by JIIA and DPG.
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The JIIA hosted an online lecture meeting on the Second Sino-Japanese War on 17 December 2021. This webinar aimed to reassess this war and paint a more comprehensive picture of it based on the latest scholarship.
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On November 8, 2021, the Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA) held a Zoom webinar on “The Political Impact of European Military Presence in the Indo-Pacific”. Experts from France, Germany, and the United Kingdom were invited to discuss how the background and political implications of European countries strengthening their military presence in the Indo-Pacific, including a succession of naval deployments this year, should best be understood. A large number of viewers attended the session, and a lively question and answer session ensued.
... → link to Event Report
Disaster Risk Reduction from Today into the Future: SDGs/Climate Change Perspectives and Japan's Leadership (2021-10-28)
The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA), the United Nations Information Centre, Tokyo (UNIC Tokyo), the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) Office in Japan, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MOFA) co-hosted an open webinar entitled “Disaster Risk Reduction from Today into the Future: SDGs/Climate Change Perspectives and Japan's Leadership” on 19 October 2021.
... → link to Event Report
The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA), the United Nations Information Centre, Tokyo and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MOFA), with the support of the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren), held an open webinar on April 13, 2021 titled "The Significance of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Today's World from a SDGs Viewpoint and the Role of the United Nations".
... → link to Event Report
The Japan Institute of International Affairs hosted a webinar on March 10, 2021, "League of Nations and Washington System Centennial Webinar".
... → link to Event Report
The webinar, titled The Two Sides of China’s “Wolf Warrior Diplomacy”: Factors Influencing China’s Foreign Conduct, concerns the political and social factors influencing Chinese diplomacy. China’s coercive approach alongside the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, can be viewed as having become more aggressive than previously.
However, China’s foreign conduct offer glimpses of an otherwise hidden consideration for those other countries behind what is on the face of it an ostensibly hardline attitude.
Why has China’s outward stance consisted of the two approaches of coercion and collaboration and how should we interpret this situation?
JIIA invited Professor Tomoki Kamo from Keio University and Professor Tomoko Ako from the University of Tokyo to discuss these questions, with Kyoko Kuwahara of JIIA, serving as moderator.
Tomoki Kamo (Professor, Keio University)
Tomoko Ako (Professor, The University of Tokyo)
Kyoko Kuwahara (Research Fellow, JIIA)
September, 28, 2020

[Welcoming Remarks]
Michael J. Green (CSIS)
Yasunori Nakayama (JIIA)
[East China Sea]
Jeffrey Hornung (RAND Corporation)
Masashi Murano (Hudson Institute)
Moderator: Bonnie Glaser (CSIS)
[South China Sea]
Greg Poling (CSIS)
Collin Koh Swee Lean (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Moderator: Michael J. Green (CSIS)
[Pacific Islands]
Greg Poling (CSIS)
Jonathan Pryke (Lowy Institute)
Moderator: Patrick Buchan(CSIS)
[Implications for Regional Policy Coordination]
Atsuko Kanehara (Sophia University, Japan)
Jeff Benson (CSIS)
Moderator: Michael J. Green (CSIS)

Amb Hemant Krishan Singh,
Director General, Delhi Policy Group (DPG)/ Former Indian Ambassador to Japan Nalin Surie,
Distinguished Fellow, DPG / Former Indian Ambassador to the UK & China Hiroyuki Akita
Commentator,Nihon Keizai Shinbun
Amb Kenichiro Sasae、President, JIIA / Former Japanese Ambassador to the U.S.

Mr. Tsuyoshi Sunohara, Senior Managing Executive Officer for Global Business, Nikkei Inc. / Chief Operating Officer (COO), Mt. Fuji Dialogue
Ms. Junko Tanaka, Head of Global Strategy Division, NHK WORLD , NHK-Japan Broadcasting Corporation / Former Washington Bureau Chief
Mr. Chiharu Mori, Editorial Board, Yomiuri Shimbun
Amb. Kenichiro Sasae, President , JIIA / Former Japanese Ambassador to the U.S.

Panelists: Dr. Ángel Gurría OECD Secretary-General (and more) (2019-04-16)
Dr. Ángel Gurría OECD Secretary-General
Mr Rintaro Tamaki President, Japan Center for International Finance
Amb. Yoichi Otabe Adjunct Fellow, JIIA / Former Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Japan to the International Organizations in Geneva
Amb. Kenichiro Sasae President, JIIA (Moderator)

Panelist: Dr. Cecilia Malmström European Commissioner for Trade (and more) (2019-04-10)
Dr. Cecilia Malmström (European Commissioner for Trade)
Yoriko Kawaguchi (Visiting Professor, Musashino University / Former Minister for Foreign Affairs / Former Minister of the Environment)
Yorizumi Watanabe (Professor, Kansai University of International Studies/ Emeritus Professor, Keio University)
Yoichi Otabe (Adjunct Fellow, The Japan Institute of International Affairs / Former Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Japan to the International Organizations in Geneva)

Opening Remarks: Yasunori NAKAYAMA, Director General (Acting), JIIA
Report#1 Akio Takahata, Professor, Hakuoh University
Report#2 Tomoyuki Miyata Lecturer, Teikyo University
Fumiaki Kubo, Professor, The University of Tokyo, and Senior Adjunct Fellow, JIIA
Kenichiro Sasae President, JIIA / Former Japanese Ambassador to the U.S.
*This Symposium was conducted by the Chatham House Rule.

Opening Remarks:
(Director General (Acting), The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA))
“The Korean Peninsula in an ‘Age of Uncertainty’ and Japan’s Foreign/Security Policy”Study Group
(Moderator: Masao OKONOGI, Professor Emeritus, Keio University)
Briefing by Study Group Leader on key research topics and issues being addressed. (10min)
Study Group Leader: Masao OKONOGI
Reports: (15min each)
(1) Hideya KURATA (Professor and Director, Global Security Center, National
Defense Academy / Adjunct Fellow, The Japan Institute of International Affairs(JIIA))
“The Security Environment on the Korean Peninsula and Recent Developments”
(2) Hajime IZUMI (Professor, Tokyo International University)
“Overview of the 2nd US-North Korea Summit and the Prospects of US-North Korea Relations”
(3) Junya NISHINO (Professor, Keio University)
“Japan-South Korea Relations at Present and Proposals for Managing Relations”
Summary and Closing Remarks by Study Group Leader
*This Symposium was conducted by the Chatham House Rule.

Opening Remarks: Yasunori NAKAYAMA, Director General (Acting), JIIA
[Session 1: Political Dynamics in Europe 2018-2019]
“Europe in the post-Complex Crisis”
- Ken ENDO, Professor, Hokkaido University / Adjunct Fellow,JIIA
Q & A Session
[Session 2: The UK’s Exit from the EU and Its Impacts]
“Brexit – An Analysis of the Political Dimension”
- Daisuke IKEMOTO, Professor, Meiji Gakuin University
“The impact of Brexit on European economy and financial system”
- Kenichiro YOSHIDA, Senior Chief Economist, Mizuho Research Institute Ltd.
Q & A Session
Concluding Remarks: Ken ENDO, Professor, Hokkaido University/ Adjunct Fellow, JIIA
*This Symposium was conducted by the Chatham House Rule.

JIIA, Doshisha University Center for Study of South China Sea and Faculty of Law Doshisha University co-hosted a symposium titled " Territory and Maritime Issues in East Asia and their Origins " on March 2, 2019.
Youtube Video

JIIA and RUSI co-hosted a symposium titled "Borders and the Rules Based International System: a historical and legal basis" on February 25th, 2019 in London.

Opening Remarks Yasunori NAKAYAMA, Director General (Acting), JIIA
Briefing on key research topics and issues being addressed
Akio TAKAHARA, Professor, University of Tokyo / Senior Adjunct Fellow, JIIA
≪Session 1≫ US Policy toward China and China’s Reaction
Moderator: Yasunori NAKAYAMA, Director General (Acting), JIIA
“The US View and Policy vis-à-vis China in the Second Year of the Trump Administration”
UMEMOTO Tetsuya, Professor, University of Shizuoka
“US-China Confrontation and Chinese Diplomacy”
Akio TAKAHARA, Professor, University of Tokyo / Senior Adjunct Fellow, JIIA
Question-and-answer period
≪Session 2≫ Domestic Situation in China
Moderator: Hideya KURATA, Professor, National Defense Academy / Adjunct Fellow, JIIA
“US-China Confrontation and the Economic Situation in China”
Asei ITO, Associate Professor, University of Tokyo
“Current Situation in Xi Jinping’s Domestic Politics and US-China Confrontation”
Shinya KADOZAKI, Research Fellow, JIIA
Question-and-answer period
*This Symposium was conducted by the Chatham House Rule.

≪Session 3≫ International Order in East Asia
Moderator: Akio TAKAHARA, Professor, University of Tokyo / Senior Adjunct Fellow, JIIA
“The US-China ‘New Cold War’ and the Korean Peninsula”
Hideya KURATA, Professor, National Defense Academy / Adjunct Fellow, JIIA
“US-Taiwan Relations and Taiwan’s Security”
Junichi ABE, Managing Director, Chief Research Officer, The KAZANKAI Foundation
Question-and-answer period
Hideya KURATA, Professor, National Defense Academy / Adjunct Fellow, JIIA
*This Symposium was conducted by the Chatham House Rule.

[Opening Remark] Yasunori NAKAYAMA (Director-General (Acting), JIIA)
[Keynote Speech]
Tsutomu KIKUCHI (Professor and Vice presidents, Aoyama Gakuin University/Senior Adjunct Fellow, JIIA)
“Maritime Security in the Indian Ocean and the Emergence of the Bay of Bengal Region”
[Panel Discussion]
“China’s Maritime Expansion and Responses of Regional States: International Politics in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR)”
Moderator: Tsutomu KIKUCHI
Panelists(Project Members):
Mie OBA (Professor, Tokyo University of Science)
Bonji OHARA (Senior Fellow, The Sasakawa Peace Foundation)
Yoichi KATO (Senior Research Fellow, Asia Pacific Initiative)
Tetsuo KOTANI (Associate Professor, Meikai University/Senior Fellow, JIIA)
Ken JIMBO (Professor, Keio University)
[Q&A Session]
*This Symposium was conducted by the Chatham House Rule. (Chatham House Rule: Participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participants, may be revealed.)

JIIA and FRS(Fondation pour la recherche stratégique) co-hosted a symposium titled "ASIA AND EUROPE FROM THE VERSAILLES TREATY TO THE PRESENT: The Legacies of Past War-Endings and Peace-making between Constraints and Forward Looking" on January 28th, 2019.

Dr. Douglas H. Paal
Distinguished Fellow, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Joseph Yun
Senior Advisor to the Asia Center, United States Institute of Peace
Osamu Onoda
Former Air Training Commander, JASDF
Tetsuo Kotani
Associate Professor, Meikai University / Senior Fellow, JIIA
Moderator: Yasunori Nakayama, Director General, JIIA
(watch video by youtube

Dr. Fumiaki Kubo
Professor, The University of Tokyo / Senior Adjunct Fellow, JIIA
Mr. Akihiko Yasui
Head, Research Department-Europe and the Americas, Mizuho Research Institute Ltd.
Ms. Naoko Funatsu
Research Fellow, JIIA
Amb. Kenichiro Sasae
President, JIIA / Former Japanese Ambassador to the U.S.
(watch video by youtube

(watch video by youtube

Speaker: Amb. Roberto Azevedo (Director-General, WTO) (2018-11-08)
Amb. Shotaro Oshima
Chairman, The Institute for International Economic Studies
Prof. Yorizumi Watanabe
Professor, Keio University SFC
Amb. Kenichiro Sasae
President, The Japan Isntitute of International Affairs

(Co-host by JIIA and Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University) (watch video by youtube

Susan J. Pharr (Edwin O. Reischauer Professor of Japanese Politics and Director, WCFIA Program on U.S.-Japan Relations, Harvard University)
Yasunori Nakayama (Director-General(Acting), Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA))
[Keynote Speech]
"The History of Asia in the 20th Century: The Origins of Prosperity and Stability”
Akihiko Tanaka (President, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies)
Discussant: Thomas Berger
(Professor of International Relations and Director, Center for the Study of Asia (2018-21), Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University)
(Co-sponsored by Harvard University Asia Center; Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies.)
*Language is English only.

(Co-host by JIIA and Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University)(watch video by youtube

[Panel: “State Building in 20th Century Asia”]
Shin Kawashima (Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo)
“A Silent Revolution: State Building and Democratization in Modern Taiwan”
Lung-chih Chang (Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica)
“Nation-building in Singapore: The Authoritarian Structure of a ‘Vulnerable City-State’”
Keiko Tsuji Tamura (Professor, Graduate School of Social System Studies, the University of Kitakyushu)
“Building and Integrating the Indonesian State”
Nobuhiro Aizawa (Associate Professor, Kyushu University)
Discussant: Dwight Perkins
(Harold Hitchings Burbank Professor of Political Economy, Emeritus, Harvard University)
Moderator: Susan Pharr
(Edwin O. Reischauer Professor of Japanese Politics and Director, WCFIA Program on U.S.-Japan Relations, Harvard University)
(Co-sponsored by Harvard University Asia Center; Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies.)
*Language is English only.

Session 2: Security Threats and Possible Cooperation (Moderator: Charles Powell, Director, Elcano Royal Institute)
-Mario Esteban, Senior Analyst for Asia-Pacific, Elcano Royal Institute:
“Spain-Japan cooperation on common threats and international peacekeeping”
-Hideshi Tokuchi, Senior fellow, GRIPS, Former Vice-Minister of Defense for International Affairs:
“Making Security Policy in the Acute Regional Security Environment”
Session 3: Regionalism and Regional Economic Order (Moderator: Shu Nakagawa, Director of Research Coordination)
- Miguel Otero, Senior Analyst International Political Economy, Elcano Royal Institute:
“Economic reforms and processes of regional integration”
- Masayuki Tadokoro, Professor, Keio University
“Japan & Europe in the age of developed countries' risk”
Concluding Remarks
- Charles Powell, Director, Elcano Royal Institute
The Seminar is co-hosted by the JIIA, Japan and by the Elcano Royal Instutitute, Spain with the support of the the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Japan.

Welcome Remarks
Koichi Ai, Director General (Acting), the Japan Institute for International Affairs
Keynote Speech
Josep Piqué, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain
“General assessment of the relationship between Japan and Spain and its significance in a multipolar world.”
Session1: Global Perspectives/ Multilateralism (Moderator: Koichi Ai, Director General (Acting), JIIA)
-Charles Powell, Director, Elcano Royal Institute:
“Spain-Japan and the maintenance of the liberal international order”
-Ken Endo, Professor, Hokkaido University
“Japan & Europe in the age of developed countries' risk”
The Seminar is co-hosted by the JIIA, Japan and by the Elcano Royal Instutitute, Spain with the support of the the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Japan.

Opening Remarks: Shu NAKAGAWA (Director of Research Coordination, JIIA)
Moderator: Fumiaki KUBO, Group Leader (Professor, The University of Tokyo) Briefing on Group’s main topics and presentation of issues by Group Leader
Report 1: Hirotsugu AIDA (Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University)
“What is ‘Trumpism’? Will It Endure?”
Report 2: Kazuhiro MAESHIMA (Professor, Sophia University) “The Domestic Political Landscape under the Trump Presidency and the Outlook for the 2018 Midterm Elections”
Report 3: Satoru MORI (Professor, Hosei University)
“The Foreign Policy Philosophy of the Trump Administration as Reflected in the 2017 National Security Strategy”
Discussion by Moderator and Panelists
Closing Remarks: Shu NAKAGAWA (Director of Research Coordination, JIIA)
(*This forum is conducted under the Chatham House Rule.)

Session 2: “Global Risks Emanating from the Middle East”
Moderator:Dr Ryoji TATEYAMA (Professor Emeritus, National Defense Academy / Group Leader for Global Risk Research Group)
Report (1) Dr. Ryoji TATEYAMA (Professor Emeritus, National Defense Academy)
“The Deepening Middle East Crisis: The Power Game Being Played over ‘Post-Civil War Syria’”
Report (2) Dr. Mari NUKII (Research Fellow, JIIA)
“The Risks Posed by the Anti-Iran Coalition”
Report (3) Dr. Shigeto KONDO (Research Fellow, JIME Center, The Institute of Energy Economics Japan, IEEJ)
“Saudi Arabia: Rapidly Changing Domestic Situation and Its Aggressive Regional Policies”
Closing Remarks:
Mr. Koichi AI (Director-General (Acting), JIIA)
*This Symposium is conducted by the Chatham House Rule.

Opening Remarks:
Amb. Yoshiji NOGAMI (President, The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA))
Keynote Speech:
Mr. Nobuo INABA (Director and Chairman of the Board of Ricoh Co., Ltd / Senior Counselor, Ricoh Institute of Sustainability and Business / Group Leader for Global Economy Research Group )
Session 1: “Advanced Economies Shaken by Populism”
Moderator: Dr. Masahiro KAWAI (Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo / Representative Director and Director General, Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia, ERINA)
Report (1) Mr. Akihiko YASUI (Head, Research Department-Europe and the Americas, Mizuho Research Institute Ltd.)
“Globalization and US Politics”
Report (2) Dr. Keiichi UMADA (Professor Emeritus, Kyorin University)
“Asia’s Unsettled Trade Order and Japan’s Trade Strategy: How Can the Trump Administration’s Recklessness Be Stopped?”
Report (3) Dr. Shintaro NAMIOKA (Associate Professor, Meijigakuin University)
“Islam and Terrorism: The Radicalization of French Muslims”
Report (4) Dr. Toshiaki TACHIBANAKI (Visiting Professor, Kyoto Women's University and Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University)
“Populism and the Economy”
*This Symposium is conducted by the Chatham House Rule.

Opening Remarks:
Amb. Yoshiji NOGAMI, President, JIIA
Dr. Hans Carl von Werthern, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Japan
Akira Muto (Cabinet Councillor, National Security Secretariat, Cabinet Secretariat)
Matthias Nass(Chief International Correspondent, Die Zeit; Co-Chair of the Japanese-German Forum)
Hiroyuki Akita (Commentator, Editorial Bureau, NIKKEI Inc.)
Petra Sigmund (Regional Director forEast Asia, Southeast Asia and Pacific, Federal Foreign Office, Germany)
Moderator: Amb. Yoshiji Nogami
Closing Remarks:
Thomas Awwe, Director, Konrad Adenauer Foundation Tokyo
Hiroshi Kawamura, Deputy Director-General, European Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan
*The language is German.

Amb. Ivo H. Daalder, President, Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Dr. James M. Lindsay, Senior Vice President, Director of Studies, and Maurice R. Greenberg Chair at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) (2017-10-23)

Speaker: H.E. Ronny Abraham, President, International Court of Justice (2017-08-02)
(co-organized by JIIA/The Ministry of Foreign Affairs/The International Law Association, Japan Branch)
Welcome Remarks
Mr. Koichi AI, Director General (Acting), JIIA
Opening Remarks
Mr. Masahiro MIKAMI, Director General, International Legal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
H. E. Shunji YANAI, Judge, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea/ President, International Law Association Japan Branch
H. E. Ronny ABRAHAM, President, International Court of Justice
Prof. Yuji IWASAWA, University of Tokyo
Q and A

Opening Remarks:
Amb. Yoshiji NOGAMI, The Japan Institute of International Affairs(JIIA)
Amb. Laurent Pic, Ambassador of France
Session 1 "The New French Administration and Future Prospects for the Political Situation"
Presenter) Dr. Dominique Reynié, General directore of Fondapol
Moderator) Prof. Hirotaka WATANABE, Professor, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Institute of International Relations
*Due to organizer's circumstances, we only deliver up to the session 1 report.
*The languages are French and Japanese.

Speaker: Dr. Daniel Twining Counselor and Director, Asia Program, German Marshall Fund
Daniel Fried Former Coordinator for Sanctions Policy
Comments: Keiko Iizuka Editor, International News Department, The Yomiuri Shimbun (2017-03-30)

Part I: "The Origins of Prosperity and Stability" (2017-03-17)
Welcoming Remarks: Yoshiji NOGAMI (President and Director General, JIIA)
Akihiko TANAKA (Professor, The University of Tokyo)
[Panel Discussion 1]
Moderator: Akihiko TANAKA (Professor, The University of Tokyo)
Panelists: Thomas BERGER (Professor, Boston University) (US)
John PAGE (Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution) (US)
Kaoru SUGIHARA (Senior Professor, National Graduate Institute of Policy Studies) (Japan)

Part II: "Colonial Experience in Asia" (2017-03-17)
[Panel Discussion 2]
Moderator: Yoshiji NOGAMI (President and Director Genaral, JIIA)
Panelists: Brahma CHELLANEY (Professor, Centre for Policy Research) (India)
Victor Andres MANHIT (President, Albert Del Rosario Institute) (Philippines)
Vu Tung NGUYEN (President, Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam) (Vietnam)
Valérie NIQUET (Head of Asia Department, Foundation for Strategic Research) (France)
Robert Nigel PEIRCE (Former British Diplomat and Hong Kong Government Senior Official) (UK)

Part III: "Japan’s Experience" (2017-03-17)
[Panel Discussion 3]
Moderator: Shingo YAMAGAMI (Director-General (Acting), JIIA) (Japan)
Panelists: Jeremy BLACK (Professor, University of Exeter) (UK)
Nobukatsu KANEHARA (Assistant Chief Cabinet Secretary) (Japan) Shinichi KITAOKA (President, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)) (Japan)
MA Licheng (Deputy Editorials Director for Zhongguo Qingnian Bao (China Youth Daily) and Senior Editorials Director at Renmin Ribao (People's Daily)) (China)
Closing Remarks: Yoshiji NOGAMI (President and Director General, JIIA)

(Session 2) Maritime Security: Country Profile in Indo-Pacific Region Research Group
Moderator:Tsutomu KIKUCHI, Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University/Senior Adjunct Fellow, JIIA (Group Leader)
Keynote speech by Hideshi TOKUCHI, Senior Fellow, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
“Tasks for Japan in East Asian Maritime Security”
Report from Maritime Security: Country Profile in Indo-Pacific Region Research Group: Tsutomu KIKUCHI
“Maritime Security in the Indo-Pacific Region”
Comment: Tetsuo KOTANI,Senior Fellow, JIIA

(Session 1) JIIA Forum/International Law Research Group
Moderator:Kazuhiro NAKATANI, Professor, The University of Tokyo, Graduate Schools for Law and Politics (Group Leader)
Opening Remarks: Shingo YAMAGAMI, Director-General (Acting), JIIA
Topic and Report of International Law Research Group: Kazuhiro NAKATANI
Lecture by Paul S. Reichler, Partner, Chair, International Litigation and arbitration Department, Foley Hoag LLP, Washington D.C.
“The Path to a Just and Lasting Peace in the South China Sea”
Comment: Kentaro NISHIMOTO, Associate Professor of International Law, Graduate School of Law, Tohoku University.

Speaker: Prof. Dmitry Streltsov
Head of the Afro-Asian Department and a Professor of Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University) (2017-02-17)
(The audio is Russian./Чтобы прослушать русский перевод, нажимите кнопку "English". )

Session 3 - “Security Policy” Research Group (2017-02-16)
(Moderator/Group Leader: Matake KAMIYA, Professor, National Defense Academy; Adjunct Fellow, JIIA)
Briefing on Group’s main topics and presentation of issues by Group Leader
(1) Sugio TAKAHASHI (Chief, Policy Simulation Division, National Institute for Defense Studies)
“New Defense Guidelines and Extended Deterrence”
(2) Tomoaki MURAKAMI, (Associate Professor, Mie University)
“Security Legislation and Peacekeeping Operations”
(3) Tetsuo KOTANI (Senior Fellow, JIIA)
“A Situation of Important Influence in the South China Sea”
Closing Remarks: Shingo YAMAGAMI (Director-General (Acting), JIIA)

Session 2 - “Current Situation in the Middle East and the New Regional Order” Research Group (2017-02-16)
(Moderator/Group Leader:Ryoji TATEYAMA, Professor Emeritus, National Defense Academy)
Briefing on Group’s main topics and presentation of issues by Group Leader
(1) Akiko YOSHIOKA (Senior Researcher, Institute of Energy Economics)
“Who is Going to Rule Mosul?: Tension behind the Operation to Recapture the City”
(2) Tatsuya YAMAMOTO (Associate Professor, Seisen University)
“The End of the Easy Oil Era and its Implications on Oil Producing Countries and the Regional Order in the Middles East”

Session 1 - “Comprehensive Analysis of Circumstances on the Korean Peninsula and Japan’s Security”Research Group (2017-02-16)
Opening Remarks: Koichi AI (Director of Research Coordination, The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA))
Session 1
(Moderator/Group Leader: Masao OKONOGI, Professor Emeritus, Keio University)
Briefing on Group’s main topics and presentation of issues by Group Leader
(1) Hisashi HIRAI (Visiting Professor, Ritsumeikan University / Visiting Editorialist, Kyodo News)
“Current Situation in the ROK”
(2) Mitsuhiro MIMURA (Senior Research Fellow, Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia)
“Current Situation in the DPRK”
(3) Hideya KURATA (Professor, National Defense Academy / Adjunct Fellow, JIIA)
“Security Situation on Korean Peninsula”

Session 3 - “Domestic Factors Influencing US Foreign Policy” (2017-02-08)
Moderator: Fumiaki KUBO, Professor, The University of Tokyo / Senior Adjunct Fellow, JIIA
Research Group Briefing for Session 3
Report (1) Akio TAKAHATA (Professor, Hakuoh University)
“Foreign Policy under Trump Administration, and Republican Party”
Report (2) Akihiko YASUI (Head, Research Department - Europe and the Americas, Mizuho Research Institute)
“The 2016 Presidential Election and US Economy”
Report (3) Takakazu YAMAGISHI (Professor, Nanzan University)
“The Trump Administration and Obamacare”
Debate : Toshihiro NAKAYAMA (Professor, Keio University / Adjunct Fellow, JIIA)
Summary of Session 3

Session 2 - “China's Domestic Situation and Foreign Policy” (2017-02-08)
Moderator:Yoshifumi NAKAI, Professor, Gakushuin University
Research Group Briefing for Session 2
Report (1) Seiichiro TAKAGI (Senior Research Adviser, JIIA)
“The Central National Security Commission of the CPC”
Report (2) Hideo OHASHI (Professor, Senshu University)
“Overcapacity and SOE Reform in China”
Report (3) Toru FUKAKUSHI (Young Visiting Fellow, JIIA)
“Building Think Tanks with "Chinese Characteristics" and Its Influence on China's Foreign Policy”
Debate : Akio TAKAHARA (Professor, University of Tokyo / Senior Adjunct Fellow, JIIA)
Summary of Session 2

Session 1 - “US-China Relations and International Relations Surrounding the US and China” (2017-02-08)
Opening Remarks:Yoshiji NOGAMI (President, The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA))
Session 1:
Moderator: Seiichiro TAKAGI, Senior Research Adviser, JIIA
Research Group Briefing for Session 1
Report (1) UMEMOTO Tetsuya (Professor, University of Shizuoka)
“US and China: Conflicting Grand Strategies”
Report (2) Ryo SAHASHI (Associate Professor, Kanagawa University)
“Hard-liners' Victory?: China Policy under Obama and Trump”
Report (3) Hideya KURATA (Professor, National Defense University / Adjunct Fellow, JIIA)
“South Korea in the Sino-US Rivalry in the South China Sea”
Report (4) Shinji HYODO (Director, Regional Studies Department, National Institute for Defense Studies)
“U.S.-China Relations from a Russian Perspective”
Summary of Session 1

Part I "Japanese Views of Their Place in the World, China and the U.S." (2016-11-01)
Speaker: Mr. Bruce Stokes, Director of Global Economic Attitudes, Pew Research Center
Moderator: Mr. Nobutaka Maekawa, Director of Research Coordination, JIIA
Comment: Mr. Seiichiro Takagi, Senior Research Adviser, JIIA

Ms. Wendy Cutler, Vice President of ASPI* and Former Acting Deputy USTR
Mr. Choi Seokyoung, Former Ambassador of Korea to the WTO
Mr. Peter Grey, Former Ambassador of Australia to the WTO
Mr. Shotaro Oshima, Former Permanent Representative& Ambassador, Japanese Permanent Mission to the WTO
Mr. Wang Yong, Professor at the Peking University School of International Studies
 (Speakers` Biography: http://asiasociety.org/policy-institute/asia-pacific-trade-architecture)
*Asia Society Policy Institute: ASPI

"United States Presidential Elections 2016: Epic Fail" (2016-06-06)
[Speaker] Mr. Frank Jannuzi, President and CEO, The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation
Dr. Michael Auslin, Resident scholar and the Director of Japan Studies, The American Enterprise Institute (AEI)
Prof. Toshihiro Nakayama, Professor, Keio University/Adjunct Fellow, JIIA

Welcome Remarks by Co-Chairmen:
Amb. Yoshiji Nogami, President, The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA)
Amb. Tommy Koh, Ambassador-at-Large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore
Keynote Speeches:
Mr. Seiji Kihara, State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Japan
H.E. Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Singapore
≪Open Forum≫The Future and Prospects of Japan and Singapore Relations
Moderator: Amb. Yoshiji Nogami
Opening Speech:
Mr. Yoshimasa Hayashi, Member of the House of Councillors
1. Prof. Ken Jimbo, Associate Professor, Keio University
2. Amb. Zainul Abidin Rasheed, Foreign Minister’s Special Envoy to the Middle East and Non-Resident Ambassador to Kuwait, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore
3. Mr. Atsushi Nakajima, Chairman, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry
4. Dr Lam Peng Er, Senior Research Fellow, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore
Closing Remarks

Opening Remarks:
Nobutaka Maekawa (Director of Research Coordination, JIIA)
Junko Chano (Executive Director, The Sasakawa Peace Foundation)
Briefing on Project Report by Project Co-chairs:
Satu LIMAYE (Director, The East-West Center in Washington)
Tsutomu KIKUCHI(Adjunct Fellow, JIIA/ Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University)
Comments by Discussant: Hideshi TOKUCHI (Visiting Fellow, Sophia Institute of International Relations)
Project Report(PDF)

(*This Symposium is governed by the Chatham House Rule. Chatham House Rule: Participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participants, may be revealed.)

session3:"Domestic Factors Influencing US Foreign Policy"
Brief Overview for Session 3: Fumiaki KUBO, Professor, The University of Tokyo; Adjunct Fellow, JIIA; Research Group Leader
1."The Department of State, the Pentagon, and the NSC: The U.S. Diplomatic-Security Bureaucracies and China Policy"
Yasuhiro IZUMIKAWA, Professor, Chuo University
2."Economic, Demographic, and Fiscal Conditions in the US"
Akihiko YASUI, Head, Research Department - Europe and the Americas, Mizuho Research Institute
3."The US Third Offset Strategy"
Satoru MORI, Professor, Hosei University
(Moderator)Toshihiro NAKAYAMA, Professor, Keio University; Adjunct Fellow, JIIA; Deputy Research Group Leader
Summary of Session 3:
Fumiaki KUBO, Professor, The University of Tokyo; Adjunct Fellow, JIIA
Closing Remarks
(This Symposium is conducted by the Chatham House Rule. Chatham House Rule: Participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participants, may be revealed.)

Opening Remarks: Shingo YAMAGAMI, Director-General (Acting), The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA)
session1:"China's Domestic Situation and Foreign Policy"
Brief Overview for Session 1: Seiichiro TAKAGI, Senior Adjunct Fellow, JIIA; Research Group Leader
1."The Linkage between China's Domestic Politics and Diplomacy: Seen through the Case of Its Japan Policy"
Akio TAKAHARA, Professor, The University of Tokyo
2."How Should Mr. Xi Jinping’s Reformative Leadership be Assessed?"
Takashi SUZUKI, Associate Professor, Aichi Prefectural University 3."Control over political thought under the Xijinping regime"
Naoko ETO, Research Fellow, Institute of Developing Economies
4."Xi Jinping’s Views on International and Domestic Circumstances"
Shinya KADOZAKI, Research Fellow, JIIA
Summary of Session 1: Seiichiro TAKAGI, Senior Adjunct Fellow, JIIA

session2:"US-China Relations and International Relations Surrounding the US and China"
Brief Overview for Session 2: Seiichiro TAKAGI, Senior Adjunct Fellow, JIIA; Research Group Leader
1."China in the American Mind"
Toshihiro NAKAYAMA, Professor, Keio University; Adjunct Fellow,JIIA; Deputy Research Group Leader
2."Australia’s Perspective on Sino-American Relations"
Yusuke ISHIHARA , Research Fellow, National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS)
3."US-China Cybersecurity Negotiations"
Motohiro TSUCHIYA , Professor, Keio University
4."US-China Relations and the Problems of Climate Change: Responses to a Global Agenda"
Hiroshi OHTA , Professor, Waseda University
Summary of Session 2: Seiichiro TAKAGI, Senior Adjunct Fellow, JIIA

Opening Remarks by Host: Shingo YAMAGAMI, Director-General (Acting), The Japan Institute of International Affairs
Overview of Research Project: Tsutomu TOICHI, Senior Advisor for Research, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan
"The Energy Situations of the Persian Gulf Countries and Japan's Energy Strategies"
Shigeru SUDO, Professor, Faculty of Modern Life, Teikyo Heisei University
"Securing Shale Oil, Shale Gas and Other Non-Conventional Resources"
Takayuki NOGAMI, Chief Economist, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC)
"The Potential and Prospects for Energy Cooperation in Asia"
Reiji TAKEISHI, Professor, School of International Relations, Tokyo International University

"Japan-Russia Energy Cooperation: Current Status and Challenges"
Taisuke ABIRU, Research Fellow, The Tokyo Foundation
"The Position of Nuclear Energy in National Resource Diplomacy and Japan's Approach to Nuclear Cooperation"
Nobumasa AKIYAMA, Professor, Hitotsubashi University; Adjunct Research Fellow, The Japan Institute of International Affairs
Summary by Project Leader: Tsutomu TOICHI, Senior Advisor for Research, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan
Closing Remarks by Host
(This Symposium is conducted by the Chatham House Rule. Chatham House Rule: Participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participants, may be revealed.)

Opening Remarks by Host
Mr. Shingo YAMAGAMI, Director-General (Acting), The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA)
<session1>"Comprehensive Analysis of Circumstances on the Korean Peninsula and Japan's Security Research Group"
Moderator: Prof. Masao OKONOGI, Professor Emeritus, Keio University
Report 1: "Current State of Kim Jong-un’s Regime and its Challenges"
Mr. Hisashi HIRAI, Visiting Editorialist, Kyodo News; Visiting Professor, Ritsumeikan University
Report 2: "Inter-Korean Relations and the Security Environment on the Korean Peninsula"
Prof. Hideya KURATA, Professor, National Defense Academy; Adjunct Fellow, The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA)
Report 3: “North Korea's nuclear issue and Japan's deterrence posture"
Dr. Hirofumi TOSAKI, Senior Research Fellow, Center for the Promotion of Disarmament and Non-Proliferation, The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA)

<Session 2>"Current Situation in the Middle East and the New Regional Order Research Group"
Moderator: Prof. Ryoji TATEYAMA, Professor Emeritus, National Defense Academy
Report 1: "New Dimensions in International Relations and Internal Politics in Iran after the Nuclear Deal"
Dr. Mari NUKII, Research Fellow, The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA)
Report 2: "Security in the Persian Gulf: Based off the Iranian Nuclear Deal Response"
Dr. Hirotake ISHIGURO, Research Fellow, Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization
Report 3: "Structural Adjustments in Middle-East’s Strategic Environment"
Prof. Akifumi IKEDA, Professor and President of Toyo-Eiwa University

<Session 3>"Security Policy Research Group"
Moderator: Prof. Matake KAMIYA, Professor, National Defense Academy; Adjunct Fellow, The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA)
Report 1: "Peacekeeping Operations and the Security Legislation"
Dr. MURAKAMI Tomoaki, Associate Professor, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Mie University
Report 2: "Implications of the Peace and Security Legislation and the US-Japan Defense Guidelines for the South China Sea Situation"
Mr. Tetsuo KOTANI, Senior Fellow, The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA)
(This Symposium is conducted by the Chatham House Rule. Chatham House Rule: Participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participants, may be revealed.)

Moderator: Seiichiro TAKAGI, Senior Adjunct Fellow, The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA)
Bonnie S.GLASER, Senior Adviser for Asia/ Director of Chinese Power Project, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
Marta MCLELLAN ROSS, Visiting Research Fellow, The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA)
John HEMMINGS, Adjunct Fellow, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
Tomoo KIKUCHI, Senior Research Fellow, National University of Singapore
Matthew FUNAIOLE, Fellow, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

Special Session: Significance of Exchange Rate Arrangements on Trade & Investment *Open access (2015-11-10)
[Opening Remarks]
•Mr. Naoyuki Yoshino (Dean, ADBI)
•Amb. Yoshiji Nogami (President, JIIA)
Special Session: Significance of Exchange Rate Arrangements on Trade & Investment

•Mr. Naoyuki Yoshino (Dean, ADBI), Ms. Pornpinun Chantapacdepong (Research Fellow, ADBI) and Matthias Helble (Research Fellow, ADBI)
•Prof. Yuqing Xing (Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies)

Session 1: TPP – A 21st Century Trade Agreement *Open access (2015-11-10)
•Amb. Yoshiji Nogami (President, JIIA)
•Dr. Kenichi Kawasaki (Senior Fellow, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies)

•Dr. Vo Tri Thanh (Vice president & Senior Expert, Central Institute for Economic Management, Vietnam)

•Mr. Kazuyuki Kinbara (Director, International Economic Affairs Bureau, Japan Business Federation [Nippon Keidanren])

•Ms. Mervi Kahlos (Counsellor, Trade and Economic Section, Delegation of the European Union to Japan)

Session 3: The Future of the Multilateral Trading System *Open access (2015-11-10)
•Prof. Junji Nakagawa (Professor, Tokyo University)
•Mr. Robert Koopman (Chief Economist, WTO)
•Prof. Yorizumi Watanabe (Professor, Keio University)

•Mr. Matthias Helble (Research Fellow, ADBI)

•Mr. Tomochika Uyama (Deputy Director-General, Economic Affairs Bureau / Latin American and Caribbean Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Session 4: New Trade Governance in the Asia-Pacific *Open access (2015-11-10)
•Prof. Shujiro Urata (Professor, Waseda University)
•Prof. Inkyo Cheong (Professor, Inha University)
•Prof. Koichi Ishikawa (Professor, Asia University)

•Prof. Kazushi Shimizu (Professor, Kyushu University)

•Dr. Jianmin Jin (Senior Fellow, Fujitsu Research Institute)

[Closing Remarks]

Speaker: Ms. Neera Tanden President, Center for American Progress(CAP)
Part2(Q&A) (Members only access) (2015-06-10)
*This Symposium is governed by the Chatham House Rule. (Chatham House Rule: Participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participants, may be revealed.)

Session 2 Moderator: Dr. Mari NUKII, Research Fellow, JIIA
"Background to the Radicalization of Islamist Movements: The Case of Nigeria" / Prof. Shinzo SAKAI, Professor of Nanzan University
*This Symposium is governed by the Chatham House Rule. (Chatham House Rule: Participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participants, may be revealed.)

Welcome Address by Host : Mr. Tetsuo TAKAGI, Executive Director, JIIA
Introduction of Research Project by Research Project Leader : Prof. Masatoshi KISAICHI, Professor, Sophia University
Session 1 Moderator: Prof. Masatoshi KISAICHI, Professor, Sophia University
"Militant Islamic Factions in Post-revolution Tunisia : Growth and Present Status" / Mr. Ryo WAKAKUWA, Ph.D. Candidate, Doctoral Program in Area Studies, Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University
"Current Syrian Situation and the Regional Impact: With a Focus on the'Islamic State'" / Dr. Taku OSOEGAWA, Research Associate, Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Comment by Prof. Takayuki YOKOTA, Associate Professor of Nihon University

≪Session 3(Arctic Ocean)≫
"The Arctic Ocean and the Japan-US Alliance (Part 2): Addressing Key Security/Defense Concerns" / Vice Admiral Hideaki KANEDA, JMSDF (ret.), Adjunct Fellow, JIIA
"The Global Commons, the Arctic Ocean and the Japan-US Alliance: Are These Three Compatible?" / Dr. Taisaku IKESHIMA, Professor, School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda University
Comments : Mr. Yu KOIZUMI, Research Fellow, Institute For Future Engineering
This Symposium is governed by the Chatham House Rule. (Chatham House Rule: Participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participants, may be revealed.)

Opening Remarks : Mr. Tetsuo TAKAGI, Executive Director and Secretary General, JIIA
Research Overview : Dr. Toshiya HOSHINO, Vice President for Global Engagement, Osaka University
≪Session 1 (Cyberspace)≫
"The Problem of Cyberspace as a Global Commons" / Dr. Motohiro TSUCHIYA, Professor, Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University
"Security problems in Cyberspace" / Mr. Takahisa KAWAGUCHI, Senior Consultant, Tokio Marine & Nichido Risk Consulting Co., Ltd.
Comments : Mr.Atsuo SUZUKI, Deputy Director General, Bureau of Defense Policy, Ministry of Defense, Japan≪Session 2 (Outer Space)≫
"Space Security Cooperation. The Obama Administration's Efforts and Future of Japan-U.S. Cooperation." / Mr. Yasuhito FUKUSHIMA, Research Fellow, The National Institute for Defense Studies
Comments : Dr. Setsuko AOKI, Professor, Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University

PartⅠ: "Challenges Facing the Liberal International Order and Japan's Role"
Opening Remark: Yoshiji Nogami (President , JIIA)
Welcome Remarks: Eriko Yamatani (Minister in charge of Ocean Policy and Territorial integrity)
Keynote Speech: Richard Haass (President, Council on Foreign Relations)
Panel Discussion 1:
Shinichi Kitaoka (Dean, International University of Japan)
Valerie Niquet (Senior Research Fellow, Head of Asia department, Foundation for Strategic Research (FSR) (France)
Edward Schwarck (Research Fellow, Royal United Services Institute(RUSI)(U.K.)
Rizal Sukma (Executive Director, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)) (Indonesia)
(Moderator) Yoshiji Nogami (President, JIIA)

PartⅡ: "Regional Security in the Asia-Pacific and Expectations for Japan"
Keynote Speech: Patrick Cronin (Senior Advisor and Senior Director, Asia-Pacific Security Program, Center for a New American Security (CNAS)) (U.S.A.)
Panel Discussion 2:
CHOI Woosen (Associate Professor at the Korea National Diplomatic Academy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs) (Republic of Korea)
William Choong (Shangri-La Dialogue Senior Fellow, IISS Singapore)
Michael Fullilove (Executive Director, Lowy Institute for International Policy) (Australia)
Hoang Anh Tuan (Director General, Institute for Foreign Policy and Strategic Studies, Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam)
Matake Kamiya (Professor, National Defense Academy, Japan)
(Moderator) Yoshiji Nogami (President, JIIA)

Part Ⅲ: "Maritime Security and Management of Ocean Environment in East Asia"
Keynote Speech: Rodman Bundy (Director, Dispute Resolution Group, Eversheds LLP (UK))
Panel Discussion 3:
Henry S. Bensurto, Jr. (Consul General, San Francisco, PCG / Former Secretary-General of the Commission on Maritime and Ocean Affairs Secretariat (CMOAS)) (Philippines)
Zack Cooper (Fellow, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Japan Chair) (U.S.A.)
Tetsuo Kotani (Senior Fellow, JIIA)Nguyen Lan Anh (Deputy Director-General, Institute for South China Sea Studies, Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam)
Elina Noor (Assistant Director, Foreign Policy and Security Studies, ISIS Malaysia)
(Moderator) Kazuhiro Nakatani (Professor, University of Tokyo)Special Speech: "Regional Security in the Asia-Pacific and Challenges Facing the US-Japan Alliance" /
Kurt Campbell (CEO, The Asia Group / Former United States Assistant Secretary of State) (U.S.A)
Closing Remark: Yoshiji Nogami (President, JIIA)

Opening Remarks by Host : Toshiro IIJIMA (Deputy Director-General, JIIA)
Remarks/Project Briefing by Research Project Leader :
"The Putin Regime and Eastwards Shift since the Ukraine Crisis" / Nobuo SHIMOTOMAI (Professor, Hosei University)
<Session 1: The Russian Far East in the Global Dynamics>
"Russia's Eastern Strategy Since the Start of the Ukraine Crisis" / Ken ISHIGOOKA (Journalist; Lecturer, Reitaku University)
"Russia's 'Sphere of Influence' and the Arctic/Far East Regions" / Shinji HYODO (Head, America, Europe and Russia Division, National Institute for Defense Studies)
"The Ukraine Crisis and Russia's Deepening Relationship with China" / Naomi KOIZUMI (Associate Professor, National Defense Academy of Japan)
"Evolution of the Chinese Market in Russian Far East" / Norio HORIE (Professor, University of Toyama)

<Session 2:The Future Prospect of Japan-Russia Cooperation in the Russian Far East>
"Current Trends and Issues in the Far East/Baikal Region" / Hirofumi ARAI (Senior Research Fellow, The Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia [ERINA])
"Outlook for Japan-Russia Cooperation in the Russian Far East" / Tadashi SUGIMOTO (Deputy Director-General, The Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia [ERINA])
"Russia-China Relations and Energy Resources" / Satoshi SAKAI (Senior Advisor, Russia Business Department, Natural Gas Business Division, Mitsubishi Corporation)
"Russia-China Rapprochement after the Outbreak of the Ukraine Crisis and the Future of Japan-Russia Energy Cooperation" / Taisuke ABIRU (Research Fellow, The Tokyo Foundation)
*This Symposium is governed by the Chatham House Rule. (Chatham House Rule: Participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participants, may be revealed.)

Welcome Address by Host : Tetsuo TAKAGI, Executive Director and Secretary General, The Japan Institute of International Affairs
Remarks and Project Briefing by Research Project Leader : Tsutomu KIKUCHI, Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University
Presentations :
1. "Obama's Diplomacy and 'The Indo-Pacific' " / Toshihiro NAKAYAMA, Professor, Keio University
2. "A2/AD, Offshore Balance and The Indo-Pacific" / Naoto YAGI, Senior Fellow, JMSDF, Command and Staff College
3. "China and the Concept of 'Indo-Pacific' " / Seiichiro TAKAGI, Senior Adjunct Fellow, The Japan Institute of International Affairs

Presentations :
4."India's New Government and 'The Indo-Pacific' " / Toru ITO,Associate Professor, National Defense Academy of Japan
5. "Indonesia's New Government and 'The Indo-Pacific' " / Jun HONNA, Professor, Ritsumeikan University
6. "Australia and 'The Indo-Pacific' " / Tsutomu KIKUCHI, Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University
*This Symposium is governed by the Chatham House Rule. (Chatham House Rule: Participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participants, may be revealed.)

Opening Remarks by Host: Mr. Toshiro IIJIMA, Deputy Director-General, JIIA
Remarks/Project Briefing by Research Project Leader: Prof. Eiji NAGASAWA , Professor, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo
<Session 1>
Moderator: Prof. Eiji NAGASAWA, Professor, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo
Report 1: "Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State" / Prof. Shuji HOSAKA, Senior Research Fellow and Assistant Director, JIME Center, The Institute of Energy Economic, Japan (IEEJ)
Report 2: "Historical Transition and Future Prospects of the Iraqi Kurdistan" / Ms. Akiko YOSHIOKA, Senior Researcher, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ)
Comments: Dr. Mari NUKII, Research Fellow, JIIA

<Session 2>
Moderator: Dr. Mari NUKII, Research Fellow, JIIA
Report 3: "Egypt: Islamic Movements under the al-Sisi Administration" / Associate Prof. Takayuki YOKOTA, College of International Relations, Department of International Studies, Nihon University
Report 4: "New Challenges for Russia and China in the Middle East" / Dr. Manabu SHIMIZU, Executive Director, Eurasia Consultant Ltd.
Comments: Mr. Yoshikazu KOBAYASHI, Senior Economist, Manager, Oil Group, Oil Subunit, Fossil Fuels & Electric Power Industry Unit, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ)
*This Symposium is governed by the Chatham House Rule. (Chatham House Rule: Participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participants, may be revealed.)

Opening Remarks:
IIJIMA, Toshiro, Deputy Director General, JIIA
OKONOGI, Masao, Professor Emeritus, Keio University
[Presentations and discussions]
Moderator: OKONOGI Masao, Professor Emeritus, Keio University
<Session 1: Analyses of Circumstances in North Korea and inter-Korean Relations>
1:"Domestic Politics of North Korea" / HIRAI, Hisashi, Visiting Editorialist, Kyodo News
2:"Foreign Policy of North Korea" / HIRAIWA, Shunji, Professor, Kwansei Gakuin University
3:"Inter- Korean Relations " / KURATA, Hideya, Professor of National Defense Academy/Adjunct Fellow ,JIIA

<.Session 2: Conditions in the Surrounding Area, and the challenge for Japan>
1:"The US’ Policies toward the Korean Peninsula" / IZUMI, Hajime, Professor, University of Shizuoka
2:"China’s Policies toward the Korean Peninsula" / KAMO, Tomoki, Associate Professor, Keio University
3:"Russia’s Policies toward the Korean Peninsula" / HYODO, Shinji, Head, America, Europe and Russia Division, Regional Studies Department, National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS)
4:"Considering the Security Scenario and Counter measure for Japan" /
AKUTSU, Hiroyasu, Senior Fellow, Northeast Asia Division, Regional Studies Department, National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS)
SAKATA, Yasuyo, Professor of international relations at Kanda University of International Studies (KUIS)
*This Symposium is governed by the Chatham House Rule. (Chatham House Rule: Participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participants, may be revealed.)

Opening Remarks / Amb. Yoshiji NOGAMI, President, JIIA
Introduction of Research Project / Dr. Seiichiro TAKAGI, Senior Adjunct Fellow, JIIA
1."The U.S. Perceptions of and Policy toward China: With the focus on the Obama Administration Ⅱ" / Dr. Seiichiro TAKAGI, Senior Adjunct Fellow, JIIA
2. "Russia's Approach towards China after Ukraine Crises" / Dr. Shinji HYODO, Head, America, Europe, and Russia Division, Regional Studies Department, The National Institute for Defense Studies
3. "South Korea's Views and Policies Vis-a-vis China: The Park Geun-hye Administration's "Balanced" Approach" / Dr. Hideya KURATA, Professor, National Defense Academy
4. "Change of Government in India and Changes in Policies toward China" / Dr. Toru ITO, Associate Professor, National Defense Academy

5. "Indonesia's View and Policies vis-a-vis China: New Dimension and Its Prospect" / Dr. Motoko SHUTO, Professor, University of Tsukuba
6. "Alliance or Market?: Australia's Approach towards China" / Dr. Teruhiko FUKUSHIMA, Professor, National Defense Academy
7. "Taiwan's Views and Policies vis-a-vis China during the Ma Administration" / Dr. Yoshiyuki OGASAWARA, Associate Professor, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies"
8. Policy Recommendations on Japanese Foreign Policy / Dr. Seiichiro TAKAGI, Senior Adjunct Fellow, JIIA
Welcome Address by Host : Tetsuo TAKAGI, Executive Director and Secretary General, The Japan Institute of International Affairs
Remarks and Project Briefing by Research Project Leader : Tsutomu KIKUCHI, Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University
Presentations 1. "Obama's Diplomacy and 'The Indo-Pacific' " / Toshihiro NAKAYAMA, Professor, Keio University
2. "A2/AD, Offshore Balance and The Indo-Pacific" / Naoto YAGI, Senior Fellow, JMSDF, Command and Staff College
3. "China and the Concept of 'Indo-Pacific' " / Seiichiro TAKAGI, Senior Adjunct Fellow, The Japan Institute of International Affairs
*This Symposium is governed by the Chatham House Rule. (Chatham House Rule: Participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participants, may be revealed.)

[Session3]"Security Challenges in the Russian Far East/Siberia"
Shinji HYODO, Head, America, Europe and Russia Division, the National Institute for Defense Studies
Naomi KOIZUMI, Associate Professor, National Defense Academy of Japan
Haruko OZAWA, Professor, Niigata University of International and Information Studies

Openning Remarks:
Toshiro IIJIMA, Deputy Director-Generarl, JIIA
Nobuo SHIMOMAI, Professor, Hosei University(Project Leader)
[Session1]"The Outlook for Russian Foreign/Domestic Policy"
Nobuo SHIMOTOMAI, Professor, Hosei University(Project Leader)
Ken ISHIGOOKA, Journalist, Lecturer, Reitaku University
[Session2]"Development of the Russian Far East/Siberia and Japan's Economic Security"
Satoshi SAKAI, Senior Advisor, Natural Gas Business Division, Mitubishi Corporation
Tasuke ABIRU, Research Fellow, the Tokyo Foundation
Norio HORIE, Professor, Center for Far Eastern Studies, University of Toyama

4. "The United States' Views and Policies vis-à-vis China: with a Focus on the Obama Administration" / Dr. Seiichiro TAKAGI, Senior Adjunct Fellow, JIIA
5. "Indonesia's Changing Perceptions of China" / Dr. Motoko SHUTO, Professor, University of Tsukuba
6. "The Evolution of Australia's Policies toward China" / Dr. Teruhiko FUKUSHIMA, Professor, National Defense Academy
7. "Taiwan's Views and Policies vis-à-vis China" / Dr. Yoshiyuki OGASAWARA, Associate Professor, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Summary: Dr. Seiichiro TAKAGI, Senior Adjunct Fellow, JIIA
Closing Remarks: Mr. Toshiro IIJIMA, Deputy Direcotor General, JIIA

Opening Remarks: Mr. Toshiro IIJIMA, Deputy Direcotor General, Japan Institute of International Affairs(JIIA)
Introduction of Research Project: Dr. Seiichiro TAKAGI, Senior Adjunct Fellow, JIIA
1. "The China-Russia Strategic Partnership from a Russian Perspective: The 'China Factor' in Russia's Foreign and Military Policies" / Dr.Shinji HYODO, Head, America, Europe, and Russia Division, Regional Studies Department, The National Institute for Defense Studies
2. "South Korea's Views and Policies vis-à-vis China" / Prof. Hideya KURATA, Professor, National Defense Academy
3. "India's Views and Policies vis-à-vis China" / Dr. Toru ITO, Associate Professor, National Defense Academy

"China's Policies toward the Korean Peninsula" / Masayuki MASUDA, Senior Fellow, Northeast Asia Division, Regional Studies Department, National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS)
"Russia's Policies toward the Korean Peninsula" / Shinji HYODO, Head, America, Europe and Russia Division, Regional Studies Department, National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS)
"The US' Policies toward the Korean Peninsula" / Junya NISHINO, Associate Professor, Keio University
"Scenarios Involving Military Provocation" / Hiroyasu AKUTSU, Senior Fellow, Northeast Asia Division, Regional Studies Department, National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS)
"Defensive Preparations" / Hideaki KANEDA , Director, The Okazaki Institute,/ Adjunct Fellow, Japan Institute of International Affairs

"Domestic Politics – An Overview" / Hisashi HIRAI, Visiting Editorialist, Kyodo News
"Economic Circumstances – An Overview" / Mitsuhiro MIMURA, Director and Senior Research Fellow, Research Division, Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia(ERINA)
"Foreign Policy – An Overview" / Hajime IZUMI, Professor, University of Shizuoka

Opening Remarks : Amb. Yoshiji NOGAMI ( President and Director General, JIIA)
Research Overview : Prof. HOSHINO Toshiya (Professor, Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University)
Report 1(Cyberspace):
Prof. Motohiro TSUCHIYA (Professor, Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance)
Report 2 (Outer Space): (Canceled)
Report 3 (Arctic Ocean):
Vice Admiral Hideaki KANEDA, JMSDF (ret.) (Adjunct Fellow, JIIA)
Prof. Taisaku IKESHIMA (Waseda University School of International Liberal Studies, Japan/Visiting Fellow, University of Cambridge)
Comment1 ( Cyberspace):
Mr. Koichiro KOMIYAMA (Manager of the Global Coordination Division and Enterprise Support Group, JPCERT/CC)
Comment2 (Outer Space):(Canceled)
Comment3 (Arctic Ocean):
Rear Admiral Sumihiko KAWAMURA (Ret.) (Representative, the Kawamura Institute/ Director, Japan Forum for Strategic Studies)

Report 3: "The Political Order in Iraq after 2003" / Ms. Akiko YOSHIOKA(Senior Researcher, JIME Centre, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan)
Report 4: "Changing Environment for Middle East Energy Issues" / Mr. Yoshikazu KOBAYASHI(Manager, Oil Group, Oil&Gas Unit, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan)
Comments: Mr.Toru ONOZAWA(Associate Professor, Kyoto University)

Opening Remarks:
Mr.Toshiro IIJIMA(Deputy Director-General, JIIA)
Prof.Eiji NAGASAWA(Professor, University of Tokyo)
Report 1: "The Short-term Outlook for Turkish Foreign Policy: From the Perspectives of Historical Patterns and Present Situations" / Dr.Kohei IMAI(Research Fellow PD, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Meiji University)
Report 2: "Current State and Challenges of Iran's Domestic Policy" / Dr.Mari NUKII(Research Fellow, JIIA)
Comments: Dr.Chie EZAKI(Associate Professor, National Defense Academy of Japan)

Theme: “A Partnership for Prosperity and Growth in a Globalised World" (2013-12-03)
-Speech Digest-

Moderator: Prof.Toshirhiro NAKAYAMA, Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University / Adjunct Fellow, JIIA
Research Fellow, The Project 2049 Institute
Former International Fellow, JIIA
Associate Professor, Keio University
Dr.Christopher LEN
Fellow, Energy Studies Institute, National University of Singapore
Senior Fellow for China Studies, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
(*Floor PA sound only, no interpretation)

[Presentation about the research project]
Prof. NAKATANI Kazuhiro (Project Leader), Professor, The University of Tokyo
Dr.SAKAMAKI Shizuka, Lecturer, University of Shizuoka
(International precedents on territorial rights to islands(I))
Dr.NISHIMOTO Kentaro, Associate Professor, Tohoku University
(International precedents on territorial rights to islands(II))
Dr.ISHII Yurika, Lecturer, National Defence Academy
(Interpretation of International precedents on territorial rights to islands(I)(II))
Assoc.Prof.TSURUTA Jun, Associate Professor,Japan Coast Guard Academy
(Disputes in the South China Sea)
Prof. NAKATANI Kazuhiro
Mr.Rodman Bundy, Partner, Eversheds International
Prof.James Kraska, S.J.D., Mary Derrickson McCurdy Visiting Scholar, Duke University Marine Laboratory
Dr.Nguyen Thi Lan Anh, Director of the Centre for Legal Studies of the Institute for East Sea(South China Sea) and Vice Dean of the International Law Faculty, Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam

Fumiaki KUBO, Professor,the University of Tokyo / Adjunct Fellow, JIIA
Matake KAMIYA, Professor,Department of International Relations,National Defense Academy of Japan
Yuichi HOSOYA, Professor, Faculty of Law, Keio University
Toshihiro NAKAYAMA, Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University / Adjunct Fellow, JIIA

[Opening Remarks] Yoshiji Nogami, President, The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA)
[Keynote Speech] Peter Petri, Professor, Brandeis University
Moderator: Motoshige Ito, Professor, Tokyo University
1. Kenichi Kawasaki, Consulting Fellow, The Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI)
2. Masayoshi Honma, Professor, Tokyo University
3. Naohiro Yashiro, Visiting Professor, International Christian University (ICU)
4. Deborah Elms, Head, Temasek Foundation Centre for Trade & Negotiation (TFCTN), Nanyang Technological University

[Round-Table Discussions]
Moderator: Motoshige Ito, Professor, Tokyo University
1. Yoshiji Nogami, President, JIIA
2. Peter Petri, Professor, Brandeis University
3. Naohiro Yashiro, Visiting Professor, ICU
4. Masayoshi Honma, Professor, Tokyo University
5. Kenichi Kawasaki, Consulting Fellow, RIETI
6. Kazuyuki Kinbara, Director, International Economidc Affairs Bureau, Japan Business Federation (Nippon Keidanren)
7. Deborah Elms, Head, Temasek Foundation Centre for Trade & Negotications (TFCTN), Nanyang Techinological University

Co-organaized by Okazaki Institute, Grant: Center for Global Partnerships, the Japan Foundation, and the Suntory Foundation (2013-03-07)
Opening remarks: Yoshiji Nogami, President, JIIA
Summery: Hideki Asari, Deputy Director Generarl, JIIA
Presentation "Regional Security Overview" / Wallace Gregson, Former US Secretary of Defense
Presentation "Deepening Security Cooperation" / Hideaki Kaneda, Adjunct Fellow, JIIA
Presentation "Securing Global Commons" / Vinay Shanker, Member, USI Council

Michael Green, Senior Vice President and Japan Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Victor Cha, Senior Adviser and the Korea Chair / Professor at Georgetown University
Wallace "Chip" Gregson, Senior Director, China and the Pacific at the Center for the National Interest
Toshihiro NAKAYAMA, Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University / Adjunct Fellow at JIIA
L.Gordon Flake, Executive Director of the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation
Moderator: Yoshiji NOGAMI, President, The Japan Institute of International Affairs(JIIA)

Project Leader: Yoshinobu YAMAMOTO, Professor Emritus, University of Tokyo
1 "The Indo-Pacific Security Order from the Perspective of Naval Strategy" / Naoto YAGI, Instructor, JMSDF Staff College
2 "The Indo-Pacific Maritime Order from the Perspective of International Law" / Jun TSURUTA, Associate Professor, Japan Coast Guard Academy
3 "The Indo-Pacific Security Order from the Perspective of India" / Toru ITO , Associate Professor, National Defense Academy of Japan
4 "The Indo-Pacific Security Order from the Perspective of ASEAN" / Susumu YAMAKAGE, Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University
5 "The Indo-Pacific Security Order from The Perspective of Australia and Indonesia" / Tsutomu KIKUCHI, Visiting Research Fellow, JIIA; Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University

Geopolitical Changes Due to Unconventional Resource Development
--Examining Japan's Energy Strategy and Resource Diplomacy-- (2013-02-21)
Moderator: TOICHI Tsutomu, Advisor, The Institute of Energy Economics
"A Re-examination of Current Energy Supply and Demand" / TAKEISHI Reiji, Professor, School of International Relations, Tokyo International University
"The Shale Resource Revolution" / NOGAMI Takayuki, Senior Economist, Japan Oil,Gas and Metals National Corporation(JOGMEC)
"Japan's Energy Strategy and Resource Diplomacy" / AKIMOTO Satohiro, Depyty General Manager, Global Strategy & Business Development Department, Mitsubishi Corporation (This presentation is omitted from video streaming according to presenter's request.)

Session 1:"Political/Economic Situation" (2013-02-08)
Moderator: Masao Okonogi, Professor Emeritus, Keio University
"Overview of Domestic Political Conditions" / Hisashi HIRAI, Contributing Editorial Writer, Kyodo News
"Overview of Economic Conditions" / Mitsuhiro MIMURA, Director and Senior Research Fellow, Research Division, Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia
"Economic and Other Relations between North and South Korea" / Tetsuo MUROOKA, Director, National Institute for Defense Studies Library

Session 2:"Foreign Relations" (2013-02-08)
"Overview of North Korean Foreign Policy Toward the US and Other Countries" / Hajime IZUMI, Professor, University of Shizuoka
"Russian Foreign Policy toward the Korean Peninsula" / Shinji HYODO, Head, America, Europe and Russia Division, Regional Studies Department, The National Institute for Defense Studies
"Economic and Other Relations between China and North Korea" / Yukihiro HOTTA, Research Fellow, Cultural Affairs Division, The Kazankai Foundation
"China-North Korea Relations" / Shunji HIRAIWA, Professor, Kwansei Gakuin University

Session 1:【Asia and the Pacific】 (2013-02-06)
「Regional Integration in ASEAN and Japan’s Diplomacy: Prospects towards AEC」
Presenter: Kazushi Shimizu(Professor, Kyushu University)
「Regional Integration in East Asia: Current Situations and Problems」
Presenter: Koichi Ishikawa(Professor, Asia University)
「New Development on Regional Integration in the Pacific Asia」
Presenter: Takashi Terada(Doshisha University)

Session 2:【Middle East and Eurasia】 (2013-02-06)
「Regional Integration in Middle East」
Presenter: Koichiro Tanaka(Managing Director, Institute of Energy Economics, Japan)
「Ideal and Reality for Eurasian Integration」
Presenter: Yoko Hirose(Associate Professor, Keio University)

Session 3:【Africa and South America】 (2013-02-06)
「Regional Integration in Africa」
Presenter: Sadaharu Kataoka(Professor, Waseda University)
「Overviews and Future Prospects of Regional Integration in Central and South America」
Presenter: Kenichiro Matsui(Lead Economist, Institute for International Monetary Affairs)

Theme:“Toward the Establishment of the Nansei Islands Line Defense Posture: The Position of the Senkaku Islands in China’s Maritime Strategy and Japan’s Desirable Response”
*This video is open for non-members. (2013-01-18)
Speaker: Vice Admiral (ret.) Hideaki Kaneda
(Adjunct Fellow, Japan Institute of International Affairs Director, Okazaki Institute)
Commentator: Mr. Masayuki Masuda
(Senior Fellow, National Institute for Defense Studies, Ministry of Defense)

"The 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relationship between Japan and India" (session1~3 & Keynote speech) * program
[session1] "Regional Security in Asia" (2012-12-13)
Moderator: K.V. Kesavan (Distinguished Fellow and Head, Japanese Studies Program, ORF)
Speakers:Hideaki Kaneda (Commander, Escort Fleet / Adjunct Fellow, JIIA) *paper, Takenori Horimoto (Research Professor, Graduate School of Asian & African Area Studies, Kyoto University), C. Raja Mohan (Distinguished Fellow and Head, Centre for Security Studies, ORF) , Hemant K. Singh (Former Ambassador to Japan / Chair Professor, Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations) *paper

"The 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relationship between Japan and India"
[session2] "Regional Economic Integration: Challenges and Roles for Japan and India" (2012-12-13)
Moderator: Hideki Asari (Deputy Director General, JIIA)
Speakers: Nagesh Kumar (Chief Economist and Director of Subregional Office for South and South-West Asia, UNESCAP) *paper, Lydia Powell (Head, Centre for Resources Management, ORF) *paper, Shujiro Urata (Professor, Waseda University) *paper, Masanori Kondo (Senior Associate Professor, International Christian University) *paper

"The 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relationship between Japan and India"
[session3]: Roundtable Discussions
“Japan – India Relations: Challenges, Opportunities and The Way Ahead” (2012-12-13)
Moderator: Yoshiji Nogami (President, JIIA)
Lead Speakers:Hideaki Domichi (Former Ambassador to India / Senior Vice President, JICA) *paper, K. V. Kesavan (Distinguished Fellow and Head, Japanese Studies Program, ORF)
Discussions: All panelists

State Secretary for Strategic Affairs, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania
"The Maritime Delimitation in the Black Sea Case: An Equitable Settlement of a Maritime Boundary"
- Speech Transcript -

Former Executive Director, International Energy Agency
Global Associate for Energy Security and Sustainability, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan
"Situations in the Middle East and Energy Strategies after Fukushima: Japan’s Multiple Crises ?"
- Speech Transcript -

Chair of the Project: Prof. Naoyuki AGAWA (Vice-President, Keio University) Presentation: VADM. Hideaki KANEDA (Adjunct Fellow, JIIA / Director,Okazaki Institute) Dr. Yoshihiko YAMADA (Professor, Tokai University) Comments: Prof. Nobumasa AKIYAMA (Adjunct Fellow, JIIA / Associate Professor, Hitotsubashi University)

"Prospect of the U.S. Presidential Election and its implication on the U.S. Security Policy" (2012-04-20)
Ambassador Robert M. Kimmitt
Former Undersecretary of State and Deputy Secretary of Treasury, Chairman, Center for Cross-Border Investment(CCBI), Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC
Professor Katsuyuki YAKUSHIJI, Toyo University and Adjunct Fellow, JIIA, Former chief editor of the Asahi Shimbun's political news section
Professor Toshihiro NAKAYAMA, Aoyama Gakuin University and Adjunct Fellow, JIIA

Director-General, World Trade Organization(WTO)
"The Changing Landscape of the WTO"

Part II Rise of Emerging Countries and Future of Global Governance (2012-02-28)
Presenters: NAYA Masatsugu (Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University) IIDA Keisuke (Professor, The University of Tokyo) OTA Hiroshi (Professor, Waseda University) HIGASHI Daisaku (Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo)

Part I Medium- to Long-term Prospects for Japan-US-China Relations (2012-02-28)
Presenters: YAMAMOTO Yoshinobu (Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo) UMEMOTO Tetsuya (Professor, Shizuoka Kenritsu University) OHASHI Hideo (Professor, Senshu University) YAMAKAGE Susumu (Professor, University of Tokyo)

Part I Medium- to Long-term Prospects for Japan-US-China Relations (2012-02-28)
Commentators: INA Hisayoshi (Foreign Policy Columnist, Nikkei Shimbun) WATANABE Akio (Vice Chairman, Research Institute for Peace and Security;
Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo) YACHI Shotaro (Former Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs)

Morris and Anna Feldberg Professor of Government and Russian Studies, Harvard University
"Are Cracks Appearing in Putin's Political System?"

U. S. Naval Forces Central Command
"Maritime Security in the 5th Fleet Area of Responsibility"

Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University
"U.S. Strategy: striking back hegemonic decline but retaining global liberalism"

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo
"Kosovo as a Stability Factor in the Balkans"

[Session 1]
China's Foreign Aid: Philosophy, Policy and Implementation (2011-12-02)
Moderator: Prof. OHASHI Hideo
(Professor, Senshu University)
Presenter: Prof. LI Xiaoyun
(Dean, College of Humanities and Development, China Agricultural University)
Presenter: Dr. KOBAYASHI Takaaki
(Research Associate, JICA Research Institute)
Commentator: Ms. MAO Xiaojing
(Associate Research Fellow, Department of Development Assistance, CAITEC, Ministry of Commerce, China)
Commentator: Dr. KITANO Naohiro
(Director General, East and Central Asia and the Caucasus Department, JICA)

[Session 2]
The Impacts of the Rise of China as Donor and the Possibility of China-Japan Development Cooperation (2011-12-02)
Moderator: Prof. OHASHI Hideo
(Professor, Senshu University)
Presenter: Prof. LI Xiaoyun
(Dean, College of Humanities and Development, China Agricultural University)
Presenter: Dr. KOBAYASHI Takaaki
(Research Associate, JICA Research Institute)
Commentator: Ms. MAO Xiaojing
(Associate Research Fellow, Department of Development Assistance, CAITEC, Ministry of Commerce, China)
Commentator: Dr. KITANO Naohiro
(Director General, East and Central Asia and the Caucasus Department, JICA)

(1st of a series)
"The U.S. Presidential Election and Foreign Policy: Looking at East Asia" (2011-11-28)
Kent E. Calder, Director, East Asian Studies, School of Advanced
International Studies, Johns Hopkins University
Fumiaki KUBO, Professor, American Government and History,
the University of Tokyo
Toshihiro NAKAYAMA, Professor, School of International Politics,
Economics and Communication, Aoyama Gakuin University

Senior Advisor, Open Society Foundations
"Japanese-American cooperation in supporting democratic transitions"

Member of the Presidential Advisory Board (Former Foreign Minister of Indonesia) "Situation in East Asia and Indonesian Diplomacy"

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Czech Repuplic
"Czech Republic: its relations with Japan and Asia-Pacific Region"

High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Special Representative of the EU "Future Relations between BiH and the International Community"

Ambassador of Japan to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan "Current Situations and Problems in Afghanistan"

Ambassador of Japan to the Islamic Republic of Iran
"Iranian Situation" Language:Japanese Only

-First Session-
* Video streaming of this symposium (Japanese only) is available for everyone (2011-07-14)
[Moderator] Hiroyuki Taniguchi (Former President, Kobe Gakuin University) [Keynote Presentation] Ryu Suzuki (Associate Professor, Sakushin Gakuin University) "Making Asian security and regional cooperation policies after the earthquake disaster: a way to human security policy" [Panel Discussant] Fumihiko Yoshida (Editorial Writer, Asahi Shimbun) Hiraku Yamamoto (Professor, Yamanashi Gakuin University)

-Second Session-
* Video streaming of this symposium (Japanese only) is available for everyone (2011-07-14)
[Moderator] Izumi Ohno (Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies) [Keynote Presentation] Yasutami Shimomura (Professor emeritus, Hosei University) "Reconsidering Asian development cooperation policy after the earthquake disaster" [Panel Discussant] Akifumi Kuchiki (Professor, Nihon University) Naonobu Minato (ODA Evaluation Division Director, Policy Evaluation and Administrative Review Division, Minister's Secretariat, MOFA)

Executive Director, Human Rights Watch
"The False Dichotomy Between Justice and Peace: A Review of Recent Case Studies"

Keynote speech:
Prof. FUJIWARA Kiichi
Professor, Graduate Schools for Law and Politics, University of Tokyo
Prof. SHEN Dingli
Executive Dean, the Institute of International Studies, Fudan University
*Video streaming of this forum is available for everyone

Professor, The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo "The Present and Future of the Middle East's Democratization" Language:Japanese Only

Senior Advisor and Senior Director, the Center for a New American Security(CNAS)
"Lessons learned from Great East Japan Earthquake-on the part of Japan"

Secretary General of the Club of Rome
"How will new organizations be used to achieve sustainable development?"

Chairman and Chief Economist of Oxford Economics "Will the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake derail the Asian boom and the world recovery?"

Associate Professor, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
"The Latest Situation in Egypt" Language:Japanese Only

Director, Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques
"Power Shifts from the Perspective of Europe"
Commentator: Prof. Hirotaka WATANABE, Professor of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

Management Board Member, Institute of Contemporary Development and Vice President, the Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) "Contradictions of Russian Modernization"

Senior Fellow for Japan Studies, Council on Foreign Relations
"The 2010 U.S. Midterm Election and its Implication to Domestic, Foreign Policy"

Rector of Moscow State University of International Relations (MGIMO)
"New Stage of Global Development: International Dimension of Russian Modernization"

Director, Latvian Institute of International Affairs / Associate Professor, Riga Stradins University
"The Baltic States between the EU and Russia: politics, economics and energy"

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Iraq
"Iraq: Present and Future"

High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Special Representative of the EU
"Current Situation of Bosnia and Herzegovina"

Former Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Korea
"Recent Developments in the ROK"

Former Japanese Ambassador to China
"Current Status of Peoples Republic of China and Japan- China Relationship"

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Botswana Representative of the Government of Japan to the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC)
"Recent Developments in Africa and Japan's African Diplomacy"

Head of Tokyo Office, International Committee of the Red Cross "Issues and Challenges in International Society: A Lecture on ICRC Activities"

Professor, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Vermont "Ecological diplomacy - can we use environmental conservation to build peace?"(28 June 2010) "Need, Greed and a Sustainable Future - Charting a New Development Agenda"(29 June 2010)

President, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan "The Task and Perspective for the Second Term of the Presidency" - Speech Transcript -

Professor,School of Political Science and Economics, Meiji University "Leadership Style of Barack Obama"

Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, United Nations "Emerging Humanitarian Challenges - UN's role in Humanitarian Action"

Mr. Walter B. Slocombe
Amb. Linton F. Brooks (2010-05-26)
"The Foreign Policy and National Security Strategy of Obama Administration"

Ambassador of Japan to the European Union "Foreign Policy of the European Union: Establishment of the European External Action Service (EEAS) and Relations with Major Foreign Countries"

the 71st United States Secretary Navy "Japan and America in the Decade to Come"

Director, Department of Strategic Planning, Analysis and Evaluation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade "Foreign Policy and Development"

Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University
"The Next Fifty Years: Transforming the US-Japan Alliance for the 21st Century"

Deputy Secretary General and Vice President of the World Jewish Congress (WJC)
"Current Situation of Jewish Communities"

Mr. Ivo SRAMEK, Political Director, Czech Republic
Mr. Witold SOBKOW, Director-General for Political Affairs, Poland
Mr. Igor SLOBODNIK, Director-General for Political Affairs, Slovakia (2010-02-01)
"The European Union after the Lisbon Treaty - from the viewpoint of the Central European countries -"

Executive Vice President for Strategic Development at Qinetiq North America Former Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor
"U.S. Security Policy and Its Implications for Japan - U.S. Relationship"

Adjunct Professor, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University and Adjunct Fellow, Center for International and Strategic Studies (CSIS) "The United States and Asian Regionalism: On the Outside Looking In?"

U.S. Ambassador to Japan "Multiple Dimensions of the U.S.-Japan Relationship" - Speech Transcript -

Roy D. Kamphausen, Vice President, Political and Security Affairs, National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR) Michael Finnegan, Senior Research Associate, NBR Richard Lawless, President/CEO, Richard Lawless and Associates Jim Thomas, Senior Advisor, NBR

Chairman, King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies
"Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament"

Director General, Institute for Political and International Studies (IPIS) (Iran)
"Afghanistan: Challenges Ahead"

Director-General of UNESCO "My 10 years for Director-General of UNESCO" The 14th Ushiba Memorial Forum Hosted by the Association for Promotion of International Cooperation

Vice-Chair, The Japan institute of International Affairs
"Global Zero": Campaign for A World Without Nuclear Weapons

Caucus Leader of Fidesz (Hungary) "Current Economy in Hungary and Challenges for Overcoming the Financial Crisis"

Prime Minister of Japan
"Japan's Diplomacy: Ensuring Security and Prosperity"
- Speech Transcript -

Foreign Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan
"Azerbaijan at the Crossroad of East and West : Its Role in Regional Security and Prosperity"

Minister for Foreign Affairs, Japan
"Conditions towards Zero -"11 Benchmarks for Global Nuclear Disarmament"-
- Speech Transcript -

Director-General of the World Trade Organization(WTO)
"Global Trade in the Time of Financial Crisis"
- Speech Transcript -

Professor Nobutaka Miyahara Professor, Kurume University Mr. Yoshiyuki Yamamoto Portfolio Manager, North America Office, United Nations Office fro Project Services (UNOPS) Mr. Yukimasa Fukuda Senior Economist, Institute for International Monetary Affairs (IIMA)

Professor, Nagaoka University of Technology "China's Energy and Environmental Policy"

Minister for Foreign Affairs, Australia
"Japan and Australia: an Evolving Strategic Partnership"
- Speech Transcript -

Mr. Rodolfo Severino, ASEAN's Former Secretary General
Mr. Kwa Chong Guan, Head of External Studies at the S.Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Prof. Susumu Yamakage, University of Tokyo
Mr. Tomoharu Washio, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)

Director of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) (2008-11-27)
"Europe Navigating the Storm"
- Talking Points -

Dr. Nguyen Thai Yen Huong, Deputy Director General and Dean of Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (DAV)
Amb. Katsunari Suzuki, Former Ambassador to Vietnam
Mr. Nguyen Tien Phong, Deputy Director General of the Office of Administration, DAV
Dr. Takayuki Ogasawara, Professor of Yamanashi-Gakuin University

Director-General of the Strategic Planning and Information Management at the Hungarian Foreign Ministry (2008-11-17)
"Global Challenges -Hungarian Foreign Policy Priorities"

Director of the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan's National Strategy: Its Foreign Policy toward Russia, China, US, EU and Japan"

Former President, Swiss Confederation "Japan and Switzerland: Common Strategies against the World Economic Crisis"

Executive Director of the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) "Nonproliferation and ISTC"

Foreign Minister of Poland "Poland and Central Europe: New Security Challenge for Euro-Asia"

Distinguished Senior Fellow, East-West Center Washington "Nuclear Weapons and Security in 21st Century Asia"

Ms. Mieko Nakabayashi, Associate Professor, Atomi University Mr. Masahito Watanabe, Visiting Scholar, George Washington University

Amb. Herbert Salber, Head of the OSCE's Conflict Prevention Center (2008-09-18)
"The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)-Challenges and Perspective-"

Dr. Sherman E. Katz, Director of outreach, the Peterson tInstitute for International Economics "U.S. Trade Policy in 2008 Election"

"Japan-Indonesia at 50: Regional and International Perspectives" - Speech Transcript -

Mr. Masahiko Adachi, Senior Fellow, Sumitomo Shoji Research Institute Dr. Kazuhiro Maeshima, Associate Professor, Bunkyo University "Comparing Obama and McCain: Using the internet as a campaigning tool inthe 2008 presidential election"

Sheila A. Smith Senior Fellow for Japan Studies, Council on Foreign Relations "The 2008 U.S. Presidential Election and Foreign Policy"

Secretary-General of the United Nations "Human Security and Peace Building" - Speech Transcript -

Former Minister of Defense of Netherland "Afghanistan: Development Cooperation and State-Building"

James Steinberg, Dean of the Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin Mitchell B. Reiss, Vice Provost for International Affairs at the College of William and Mary Fumiaki Kubo, Professor of the University of Tokyo Makoto Iokibe, President of the National Defense Academy of Japan "The Post-Bush Administration and Its World Strategy"

Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, United Nations "Cooperation on Peace Operations: The role of Japan and Asia" - Speech Transcript -

Director of the Edwin O. Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies, Johns Hopkins University "Embattled Garrisons- Comparative Base Politics and American Globalism"

Mr. Hirotsugu Aida
Staff Writer, Kyodo News
Mr. Tatsuhiko Yoshizaki
Executive Vice President, Sojitsu Research Institute
"U.S. Presidential Election, Democratic Primary and Other Issues"

Mr. Weston Konishi
Council on Foreign Relations/Hitachi International Affairs Fellow
"The US Presidential Elections: Implications for the US-Japan Relationship"

Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
"Priorities of the Foreign Policy of Ukraine"

Member of Finance and Economic Affairs Committee, the Chamber of Deputies, Kingdom of Bahrain
"Islamic Finance in Gulf States: Focusing on Bahrain''s Case"

Publisher-Editor, German Weekly Die-Zeit
"Power Failure: Why Force Does Not Buy Order - Lessons from Iraq, Lebanon and History"

Chairman of the Regional Representative Council, Indonesia
"Japan-Indonesia at 50: Personal Reflection on Some Bilateral, Regional and International Issue of Common Interest"

President and Chief Executive, Center for Policy Research in India
"India and Global Deadlocks"

Mr. Tsuneo Watanabe, Senior Fellow at the Mitsui Global Strategic Studies Institute
"Deciphering the Primary Elections-- A Current Assessment"

Former Japanese Ambassador to India
"Energetic Economy in India and Japan-India Relations"

ASEAN Secretary-General Designate
"A Chartered ASEAN and East Asia Community Building: A Way Forward"

Secretary General of NATO
"NATO''s transformation and International Peace and Security"

Director of Policy Planning Division at NATO
"NATO''s experiences in Peace-building and Reconstruction"

Vice President and Director of Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations
"Can we stop Iran from getting the bomb?"

Dean of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs
"The Idea That is America: A New View of America in the World"

"Symposium to commemorate the publication of Currents in American Foreign Policy Thought"
Fumiaki Kubo, Professor at the University of Tokyo
Akio Takahara, Editorial Writer of The Sankei Shimbun
Toshihiro Nakayama, Associate Professor at the Tsuda College

Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Armenia
"Foreign Policy of a Small State: Armenia''s Case"

Director of Polish Institute of International Affairs
"Common Global Security Agenda? Moving from Regional Approach Toward Transregional Cooperation"

Former Under Secretary of State for Economic,Business and Agricultural
Affairs at the US Department of State
"US Approach to Energy Security and Climate Change"

Former Chief of Staff to US Senator John D. Rockefeller IV
"Recent Developments and the Future Direction of U.S. Trade Policy, with Particular Reference to Japan and China"

Senior Fellow for Non-Proliferation, International Institute for Strategic Studies
"Nuclear Black Markets: Pakistan, A.Q.Khan and the Rise of Proliferation Networks"

Director-General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons(OPCW)
"The Tenth Anniversary of the entry into force of the Chemical Weapons Convention: Overview and remaining issues"

Chairman of the U.S.-Korea Institute and a former correspondent of The Washington Post
"The U.S.-Japan-Korea Relationship: Problems Ahead"

Professor of S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies at NTU,Singapore,
Columnist of The Indian Express
- Speech Transcript -

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sri Lanka
"Terrorism and the Regional Economy: Sri Lanka's Experience"

Deputy Foreign Minister of Azerbaijian
"Security Policy of Azerbaijan"

Vice President of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
"Current Situations in Afghanistan and Progress in DIAG Process"

Minister for Foreign Affairs, Australia
"Strategic Relations between Japan and Australia in the Asia-Pacific Region" - Speech Transcript -

Seiichiro Takagi, Professor of School of International Politics, Economics, and Business, Aoyama Gakuin University.
Nakai Yoshifumi, Professor of Department of Political Studies, Gakushuin University.
Toshihiro Nakayama, Associate Professor of Department of International and Cultural Studies, Tsuda College.

Vice President, Director of Studies, Council on Foreign Relations
"North Korean Nuclear Deal"

Minister for External Affairs, India
"The Significance of India-Japan Relations"

Mr. Rodolfo C. Severino, Former Secretary-General, ASEAN
Mr. Bernhard Zepter, Former Ambassador, European Commission Delegation to Japan

Vice President of Republic of Iraq
"Towards the Breakthrough of the Present Difficult Situations in Iraq"

French Minister of Defense
"In Search of Euro-Asian Strategic Partnership: Thoughts on the Relationship Between European Union and North East Asia."

Mr. Domingos Sarmento Alves, Timor-Leste Ambassador to Japan
Mr. Yasushi Akashi, Former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations
Mr. Hideaki Asahi, FormerJapanese Ambassador to Timor-Leste
Professor Hideya Hoshino, Minister Counsellor of Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations
Colonel Shoichi Ogawa, Commander of the First Japanese Engineering Group in Timor-Leste

Former Prime Minister, Israel
"Peace Process and Confidence Building"

President of the Republic of Georgia
"Strengthening Democracy and Stability - Georgia Since the Rose Revolution"

Assistant Secretary-General of NATO
"NATO''s Transformation and Japan-NATO Relations"

Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia
"Building Comprehensive Security Environment in East Asia"

Chairman of The Regional Representative Council, Indonesia
"Recent Indonesian Political and Economic Situation"

President, Southern Center for International Studies
"U.S. Politics: A Southern View"

Advisor to the President of Afghanistan
"Deteriorating Security and Stabilization Efforts in Afghanistan"

Chair of OECD Development Assistance Committee
"Current Trend of International Aid on ODA and Japan''s Role"

Former Force Commander of United Nations Disengagement Observer Force(UNDOF)
"Challenges of UN Peacekeeping Operations: A Perspective of the Former UNDOF Commander"

The Strategic Affairs Editor of the Indian Express
"Rising India: Transformation of New Delhi''s Foreign and Security Policies"

Hiroshi Tajima, Tajima Associates
Kazuo Kobayashi, Chief Engineer of Yamato System Co.,LTD
Hideaki Kaneda, Senior Research Advisor on National Security at the Mitsubishi Research Institute
Hirofumi Tosaki, Fellow of the Center for the Promotion of Disarmament and Non-Proliferation, JIIA

Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
"Jordan-Japan: A Partnership for Peace"

State Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
"Peace and Security in Africa in General - Specific Emphasis on the Horn of Africa"

Minister for Foreign Affairs
"Arc of Freedom and Prosperity: Japan''s Expanding Diplomatic Horizons"

Senior Research Fellow, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore
JIIA Fellow/Japan Foundation Fellow
"Japan''s Peace-building in Mindanao: Partnering Malaysia, the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front"

Director General,
Secretariat of the International Peace Cooperation Headquarters, Cabinet Office of Japan
"UN Reforms: Views from New York"

Secretary General of French National Defence
"Prevailing against terrorism"

Former Director General, International Atomic Energy Agency
"More Security with Less Weapons: The Need for Revival of Disarmament"

Fumiaki KUBO, Professor, University of Tokyo and Senior Associate Fellow,JIIA
Akihiko YASUI, Senior Economist, Mizuho Research Institute
Toshihiro NAKAYAMA, Associate Professor, Tsuda College and Associate Fellow,JIIA

Professor, Institute of International Strategic Studies,
Party School of the Central Committee of CPC
"Situations in Northeast Asia after nuclear testing of DPRK and China''s measure"

Kinji KOYAMA, Adjunct Research Fellow, CPDNP, JIIA
Narushige MICHISHITA, Senior Research Fellow, National Institute for Defense Studies
Nobumasa AKIYAMA, Senior Research Fellow, CPDNP, JIIA

Professor Emeritus, LSE, London University
"The current Sino-Japan relations and their possible implications for the US"

President, The United Nations Association of the United States of America
"The Making of U.S. Policy Toward Iran: A Case Study"

Former Head of the Asia Program at Chatham House
Royal Institute of International Affairs
"The Shanghai Cooperation Organization; alternative to NATO, or not?"

Former Minister for Foreign Affairs of Canada
"A Canadian Perspective on Asian Peace & Security"

Former President of The World Bank
"Japan''s role in the 21st century"

Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
"Progress and Challenges in Afghanistan''s Recovery and Peacebuilding"

Former Executive Director of UNICEF
Congress of the Philippines
"International Humanitarian Assistance at UNICEF and Global Leadership"

Minister of Foreign Affairs of New Zealand
Congress of the Philippines
"Japan and New Zealand: Working Together in the Region"

Speaker of the House of Representatives
Congress of the Philippines
"The 50th Anniversary of the Normalization of Philippine-Japan Diplomatic Relations"

Director General of the Information and Studies Center
"Saudi Arabian Foreign Policy and Saudi-Japan Relations"

President, Japan International Cooperation Agency
"The Turbulent Decade-UN Humanitarian Action"

Director of the Institute of International Strategy,Technology and Policy Georgia Institute of Technology
"Status Report on the Limited Nuclear Weapons Free Zone Concept for Northeast Asia"

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
"Azerbaijan in the Contemporary World"

Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran
"Iran-Japan Relations and Current Developments in Iranian Foreign Policy"

Chairman of The Regional Representative Council
"Recent Indonesian Political and Economic Situation"

Mayor of Berlin
"Berlin: City of Opportunities in the Heart of an Integrating Europe"

Vice-President of the Republic of Indonesia
"Indonesia Today"

UN Assistant Secretary-General and UNDP Director of Regional Bureau of Arab States
"Arab Human Development Report and Democratization"

Leopold-Franzens-University, Innsbruck, Austria
"The European Union and Its Foreign Policy"

Former Press Secretary, Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs
"Inside View of Japanese Foreign Policy Making"

Former Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency
"The Use of Force, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and the United Nations"

Director of Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (German Institute for International and Security Affairs)
"The European Union Faces Asia"

A highlight of JIIA's recent activities and a summary of its organization.
Kokusai Mondai (International Affairs)
No.680 April 2019 "Protecting Human Rights via International Procedures"
Vol.2 No.4 Spring 2019
"Japan and the Post-World War II Liberal International Order"
What Do Alliances Mean to the US?
(Fumiaki Kubo ed., 2013)