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JIIA Study Report Symposium "A Reality Check on Security Policies: The New Security Legislation/Guidelines and Circumstances on the Korean Peninsula and in the Middle East"<Session 3>(2016-02-08)

<Session 3>"Security Policy Research Group"
Moderator: Prof. Matake KAMIYA, Professor, National Defense Academy; Adjunct Fellow, The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA)
Report 1: "Peacekeeping Operations and the Security Legislation"
Dr. MURAKAMI Tomoaki, Associate Professor, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Mie University
Report 2: "Implications of the Peace and Security Legislation and the US-Japan Defense Guidelines for the South China Sea Situation"
Mr. Tetsuo KOTANI, Senior Fellow, The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA)
(This Symposium is conducted by the Chatham House Rule. Chatham House Rule: Participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participants, may be revealed.)