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JIIA Study Report Symposium "Major developments in the US and China and US-China relations amidst turmoil in the international order"(24 Mar 2016) (session1)

Opening Remarks: Shingo YAMAGAMI, Director-General (Acting), The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA)
session1:"China's Domestic Situation and Foreign Policy"
Brief Overview for Session 1: Seiichiro TAKAGI, Senior Adjunct Fellow, JIIA; Research Group Leader
1."The Linkage between China's Domestic Politics and Diplomacy: Seen through the Case of Its Japan Policy"
Akio TAKAHARA, Professor, The University of Tokyo
2."How Should Mr. Xi Jinping’s Reformative Leadership be Assessed?"
Takashi SUZUKI, Associate Professor, Aichi Prefectural University 3."Control over political thought under the Xijinping regime"
Naoko ETO, Research Fellow, Institute of Developing Economies
4."Xi Jinping’s Views on International and Domestic Circumstances"
Shinya KADOZAKI, Research Fellow, JIIA
Summary of Session 1: Seiichiro TAKAGI, Senior Adjunct Fellow, JIIA