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JIIA Study Report Symposium "Major developments in the US and China and US-China relations amidst turmoil in the international order"(24 Mar 2016) (session2)

session2:"US-China Relations and International Relations Surrounding the US and China"
Brief Overview for Session 2: Seiichiro TAKAGI, Senior Adjunct Fellow, JIIA; Research Group Leader
1."China in the American Mind"
Toshihiro NAKAYAMA, Professor, Keio University; Adjunct Fellow,JIIA; Deputy Research Group Leader
2."Australia’s Perspective on Sino-American Relations"
Yusuke ISHIHARA , Research Fellow, National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS)
3."US-China Cybersecurity Negotiations"
Motohiro TSUCHIYA , Professor, Keio University
4."US-China Relations and the Problems of Climate Change: Responses to a Global Agenda"
Hiroshi OHTA , Professor, Waseda University
Summary of Session 2: Seiichiro TAKAGI, Senior Adjunct Fellow, JIIA