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JIIA Open Symposium "A Reality Check on Security Policies: The New Security Legislation/Guidelines and Circumstances on the Korean Peninsula and in the Middle East”
Session 2 - “Current Situation in the Middle East and the New Regional Order” Research Group(2017-02-16)

(Moderator/Group Leader:Ryoji TATEYAMA, Professor Emeritus, National Defense Academy)
Briefing on Group’s main topics and presentation of issues by Group Leader
(1) Akiko YOSHIOKA (Senior Researcher, Institute of Energy Economics)
  “Who is Going to Rule Mosul?: Tension behind the Operation to Recapture the City”
(2) Tatsuya YAMAMOTO (Associate Professor, Seisen University)
  “The End of the Easy Oil Era and its Implications on Oil Producing Countries and the Regional Order in the Middles East”