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JIIA Open Symposium "Rethinking Anti-Globalism in a World Facing Populism and Crises in the Middle East"(Part I)(2018-02-05)

Opening Remarks:
Amb. Yoshiji NOGAMI (President, The Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA))
Keynote Speech:
Mr. Nobuo INABA (Director and Chairman of the Board of Ricoh Co., Ltd / Senior Counselor, Ricoh Institute of Sustainability and Business / Group Leader for Global Economy Research Group )
Session 1: “Advanced Economies Shaken by Populism”
Moderator: Dr. Masahiro KAWAI (Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo / Representative Director and Director General, Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia, ERINA)
Report (1) Mr. Akihiko YASUI (Head, Research Department-Europe and the Americas, Mizuho Research Institute Ltd.)
“Globalization and US Politics”
Report (2) Dr. Keiichi UMADA (Professor Emeritus, Kyorin University)
“Asia’s Unsettled Trade Order and Japan’s Trade Strategy: How Can the Trump Administration’s Recklessness Be Stopped?”
Report (3) Dr. Shintaro NAMIOKA (Associate Professor, Meijigakuin University)
“Islam and Terrorism: The Radicalization of French Muslims”
Report (4) Dr. Toshiaki TACHIBANAKI (Visiting Professor, Kyoto Women's University and Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University)
“Populism and the Economy”
*This Symposium is conducted by the Chatham House Rule.