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JIIA-WCFIA Symposium "Origins of Prosperity and Stability: State Building in 20th Century Asia" Part 2(Panel Session)(2018-10-12)

(Co-host by JIIA and Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University)(watch video by youtube

[Panel: “State Building in 20th Century Asia”]
Shin Kawashima (Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo)
“A Silent Revolution: State Building and Democratization in Modern Taiwan”
Lung-chih Chang (Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica)
“Nation-building in Singapore: The Authoritarian Structure of a ‘Vulnerable City-State’”
Keiko Tsuji Tamura (Professor, Graduate School of Social System Studies, the University of Kitakyushu)
“Building and Integrating the Indonesian State”
Nobuhiro Aizawa (Associate Professor, Kyushu University)
Discussant: Dwight Perkins
(Harold Hitchings Burbank Professor of Political Economy, Emeritus, Harvard University)
Moderator: Susan Pharr
(Edwin O. Reischauer Professor of Japanese Politics and Director, WCFIA Program on U.S.-Japan Relations, Harvard University)
(Co-sponsored by Harvard University Asia Center; Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies.)
*Language is English only.