The Japan Institute of International Affairs


JIIA Forum

JIIA Forum invites distinguished speakers from Japan and abroad to address germane issues and offer insights on international relations and Japanese foreign policy.

The Forum is open to members of The Japan Institute of International Affairs. Members are also able to view webcasts of the proceedings. Membership information is available on our Japanese language website.

Mr. Massom Stanekzai
Advisor to the President of Afghanistan
"Deteriorating Security and Stabilization Efforts in Afghanistan"
Mr. Richard Manning
Chair of OECD Development Assistance Committee
"Current Trend of International Aid on ODA and Japan''s Role"
LTG Bala Nanda Sharma
Former Force Commander of United Nations Disengagement Observer Force(UNDOF)
"Challenges of UN Peacekeeping Operations: A Perspective of the Former UNDOF Commander"
Mr. C. Raja Mohan
The Strategic Affairs Editor of the Indian Express
"Rising India: Transformation of New Delhi''s Foreign and Security Policies"
"Symposium to commemorate the publication of Japan''s Missile Defense: Foreign and Security Policies Under Changing Strategic Circumstances"
Hiroshi Tajima, Tajima Associates
Kazuo Kobayashi, Chief Engineer of Yamato System Co.,LTD
Hideaki Kaneda, Senior Research Advisor on National Security at the Mitsubishi Research Institute
Hirofumi Tosaki, Fellow of the Center for the Promotion of Disarmament and Non-Proliferation, JIIA
H.M. King Abdullah II bin Al Hussein
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
"Jordan-Japan: A Partnership for Peace"
Dr. Patrick Cronin
Director of Studies, International Institute of Strategic Studies (IISS)
"Gulf Security"
H. E. Dr. Takeda Alemu
State Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
"Peace and Security in Africa in General - Specific Emphasis on the Horn of Africa"
Mr. Taro Aso
Minister for Foreign Affairs
"Arc of Freedom and Prosperity: Japan''s Expanding Diplomatic Horizons"
Dr. Lam Peng Er
Senior Research Fellow, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore
JIIA Fellow/Japan Foundation Fellow
"Japan''s Peace-building in Mindanao: Partnering Malaysia, the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front"
Toshiro OZAWA
Director General,
Secretariat of the International Peace Cooperation Headquarters, Cabinet Office of Japan
"UN Reforms: Views from New York"
M. Francis DELON
Secretary General of French National Defence
"Prevailing against terrorism"
Dr. Hans Blix
Former Director General, International Atomic Energy Agency
"More Security with Less Weapons: The Need for Revival of Disarmament"
"Evaluating the U.S. Midterm Election"
Fumiaki KUBO, Professor, University of Tokyo and Senior Associate Fellow,JIIA
Akihiko YASUI, Senior Economist, Mizuho Research Institute
Toshihiro NAKAYAMA, Associate Professor, Tsuda College and Associate Fellow,JIIA
Prof. Zhang Liangui
Professor, Institute of International Strategic Studies,
Party School of the Central Committee of CPC
"Situations in Northeast Asia after nuclear testing of DPRK and China''s measure"
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