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2009 September

Japan- New Zealand Dialogue (cohosted with NZIIA -- the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs), Tokyo

JIIA-DAV (Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam) Dialogue, Tokyo

The Sixth JIIA-IPIS (Institute for Political and International Studies, Iran) Roundtable, Tokyo

2009 July

Conference on 10th Anniversary of the Trilateral Cooperation & 2nd Trilateral Cooperation Forum of China, Korea and Japan, Beijing (Co-hosted with Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS) and China Institute of International Studies (CIIS)

The Fifth Australia-Japan Track 1.5 Dialogue, Tokyo (Co-hosted with the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI)
Dr Anthony Bergin, Director of Research Programs, ASPI
Maritime cooperation: challenges and opportunities

Dr Mark Thomson, The Australian Strategic Policy Institute
Defence and security policy developments in Australia

Dr Rod Lyon, The Australian Strategic Policy Institute
Obama's administration's foreign and security policy, and its implications for Australia

Dr Eiichi Katahara, The National Institute for Defense Studies
Obama Administration's Foreign and Security Policy and its Implications for Australia and Japan

Dr Tatsuo Akaneya, The University of Tsukuba
Developments in Japan's Defense and Security Policy -With a Focus on Cooperation with Australia-

VADM (ret) Hideaki Kaneda
Maritime Cooperation : Challenges and Opportunities -Japanese Perspective-

The 44th General Meeting of the Japan National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (JANCPEC), Tokyo

2009 June

The Second IISS-JIIA Conference, "Global Strategic Challenges as Played Out in Asia," Tokyo (Co-hosted with the International Institute for Strategic Studies and Ocean Policy Research Foundation)

JIIA-NBR Tokyo Workshop, "Managing Unmet Expectations: Mutual Challenges in the U.S.-Japan Security Alliance," Tokyo (Co-hosted with the National Bureau of Asian Research)

Japan-Netherlands Tokyo Conference in Commemoration of 400 Years of Dutch-Japanese Relationship, "Adaptation to Climate Change through Water Attempts by Japan and the Netherlands," Tokyo

Open Symposium, "Japan-Holland Week in Gifu: In Search of a New Vision for Bilateral Water Cooperation," Ogaki City, Gifu Prefecture (Co-hosted with Gifu Prefectural Government, Ogaki Municipal Government, and The Chunichi Shimbun)

PECC (Pacific Economic Cooperation Council) General Meeting, Washington DC, US

The 31st CSCAP Steering Committee, Kuala Lumpur

The 9th Meeting of CSCAP Study Group on Countering the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction in Asia Pacific, Beijing

2009 May

The 37th Williamsburg Conference, "Moving Asia-Pacific Relations Forward," Fukuoka, (Co-hosted with Asia Society)

PECC (Pacific Economic Cooperation Council) General Meeting, Washington DC, US

CSCAP Study Group on Navel Enhancement and Cooperation, Singapore

CSCAP Study Group on the Security Implications of Climate Change, Kuala Lumpur

2009 April

The fifth Japan-US-Korea Trilateral Conference, Tokyo (Co-hosted by: JIIA, National Committee on American Foreign Policy, Asian Institute for Policy Studies, and International Policy Studies Institute of Korea)

CSCAP the 1st Meeting of Study Group on the Establishment of Regional Transnational Crime Hubs, Bangkok

CSCAP Study Group on the Weapons of Mass Destruction, Beijing

2009 March

The 12th China-Japan-US Trilateral Dialogue, Beijing

The 22nd JIIA-CIIS(China Institute of International Studies) Round Table, Tianjin, China

The 15th JAPAN-US Security Seminar, San Francisco, US

U.S.-Japan-India Strategic Dialogue

JIIA-IDS (Institute of Diplomatic Studies, Saudi Arabia) Roundtable on "Financial Crisis, Iranian Issues & Saudi Japanese Bilateral Relations," Riyadh

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