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2011 March

The 17th Japan-U.S. Security Seminar, San Francisco

The First Meeting of the CSCAP Study Group on Water Security, Hanoi

The First Meeting of the CSCAP Study Group on Cyber Security, Kuala Lumpur

The 11th JIIA-IDSA(Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses) Dialogue, Tokyo

The 47th JANCPEC (Japan National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation) National Committee Meeting, Tokyo

Symposium on "In Search of a Better Governance on Climate Change", Tokyo

2011 February

JIIA-NUPI(Norwegian Institute of International Affairs) Seminar, Oslo

JIIA-SWP(Stiftung Wissenshaft und Politik) Seminar, Berlin

JIIA-IISS(International Institute for Strategic Studies) Seminar, London

JIIA-Chatham House Seminar, London

The 13th Meeting of CSCAP Study Group on Countering the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Asia Pacific, Las Vegas

International Forum on Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Non-Proliferation, Tokyo

2011 January

The 14th Japan-US-China Trilateral Dialogue, Tokyo

The 2nd Japan-US-Russia Trilateral Conference on "Security Challenges in Northeast Asia", Tokyo

The 6th JIIA - DAV (Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam) Dialogue, Nara

2010 December

The 12th Meeting of the CSCAP Study Group on Countering the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Asia Pacific, Ho Chi Minh City

The ISPI (Instituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale) meeting on "Japan-Ready to deal with Economic and Foreign Policy", Rome

CSIS-JIIA Strategic Dialogue on Southeast Asia, Washington, D.C.

JIIA-USI (United Service Institution of India) Conference, Tokyo

The 4th JIIA-KAS (Konrad Adenauer Stiftung) Seminar, Tokyo

2010 November

The 4th Japan - New Zealand Track 1.5 Dialogue, Tokyo

The 1st JIIA-MGIMO Conference, Tokyo

The 34th CSCAP Steering Committee Meeting, Manila

The 24th CIIS and JIIA Workshop, Beijing

Open Symposium on"Conflicts and Peacebuilding in the Middle East: Palestine, Israel and Iraq", Tokyo

2010 October

The 1st CICIR-JIIA Symposium, Beijing

The 19th Pacific Economic Cooperation Council(PECC) General Meeting, Tokyo

The 1st Meeting of the CSCAP Study Group on Safety and Security of Offshore Oil and Gas Installations in the Asia Pacific, Danang, Vietnam

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