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2010 September

U.S.-Japan-India Strategic Dialogue, Washington D.C.

The 2nd Meeting of the CSCAP Study Group on the Responsibility to Protect, Manila

Public Symposium on "Strengthening Japan-Pacific Island Countries Partnership", Tokyo

2010 August

The 2nd meeting of the Japan-Canada-US Conference Series on Trilateral Cooperati

Global Forces 2010 International Conference, Canberra

PECC Conference on "Towards Balanced and Sustainable Growth Strategies for Post-Crisis Asia: A Shifting Paradigm and Challenges", Singapore

The Third Meeting of the CSCAP Study Group on the Establishment of Regional Transnational Crime Hubs, Thailand

2010 July

The 3rd Trilateral Cooperation Forum of Japan, Korea and China, Tokyo

The 25th JIIA - IFANS (The Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security) meeting, Tokyo

The 46th JANCPEC (Japan National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation) National Committee Meeting, Tokyo

2010 June

Preliminary Meeting for the International Conference in Yaroslavl 2010 "Role of the State in Technical Modernization"

The 33rd CSCAP Steering Committee Meeting, Kuala Lumpur

2010 May

JIIA - NAF (New America Foundation) meeting, Tokyo

JIIA - INSS (Institute for National Security Strategy of South Korea) meeting, Seoul

The U.S.-Japan-ROK Trilateral Relationship: "How do we deal with North Korea?", Seoul, coorganized with NCAFP (National Committee on American Foreign Policy), AIPS (The Asan Institute for Policy Studies) and IPSIKOR (International Polciy Studies Institute of Korea)

2010 April

The U.S.-Japan-ROK Trilateral Relationship: How do we deal with North Korea?, Seoul
with NCAFP (National Committee on American Foreign Policy), AIPS (The Asan Institute for Policy Studies) and IPSIKOR (International Polciy Studies Institute of Korea)

The 2nd Japan-Saudi Arabia Roundtable, Tokyo (with Institute of Diplomatic Studies, Saudi Arabia)

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