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Strategic Annual Report 2019 : The Changing International Order in the Indo-Pacific and Japan’s Choice
In 2019, Japan faces a challenging security environment. In Northeast Asia, a mountain of issues remain to be tackled, including North Korea’s nuclear and missile development, China’s attempts to unilaterally change the status quo in the East China Sea, the management of the Japan-US alliance, tensions between Japan and South Korea, and diplomatic negotiations with Russia over the Northern Territories. With a wider perspective that extends beyond Northeast Asia, we observe tectonic shifts taking place in the international order. Appropriately understanding the changes surrounding the existing international order,envisioning an ideal international order, and acting toward its realization will be crucial for the future of Japan.


A highlight of JIIA's recent activities and a summary of its organization.
Kokusai Mondai (International Affairs)
No.680 April 2019 "Protecting Human Rights via International Procedures"
Vol.2 No.4 Spring 2019
"Japan and the Post-World War II Liberal International Order"
What Do Alliances Mean to the US?
(Fumiaki Kubo ed., 2013)