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Strategic Annual Report 2019 : Japan and Post-INF Nuclear Arms Control /Non-Proliferation
Ten years have passed since US President Barack Obama called for a “world without nuclear weapons” in April 2009. However, after short-term progress and a surge in momentum, nuclear arms control and non-proliferation gradually turned sour. Among the negative trends for nuclear arms control in 2019 was the US withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, which had a significant impact on the international community. The INF Treaty has been regarded as one of the symbols of nuclear arms control; it was signed in 1987 by US President Ronald Reagan and Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev, who shared the ideal of eliminating nuclear weapons and the recognition that there is no winner in a nuclear war and such a war must thus never be fought, and it obliged the US and the USSR to reduce their nuclear arsenals under strict verification measures, including on-site inspections, for the first time in history.


A highlight of JIIA's recent activities and a summary of its organization.
Kokusai Mondai (International Affairs)
No.680 April 2019 "Protecting Human Rights via International Procedures"
Vol.2 No.4 Spring 2019
"Japan and the Post-World War II Liberal International Order"
What Do Alliances Mean to the US?
(Fumiaki Kubo ed., 2013)