Membership Application Form
Rules Governing Use
- Article 1
- These Rules set forth necessary provisions governing the use of the members-only website service offered by the Japan Institute of International Affairs (hereinafter, "the Service").
(Compliance with Rules)
- Article 2
- Persons using the Service (hereinafter, "Users") shall comply with these Rules, and Users shall be considered to have consented to all provisions of these Rules.
(Copyrights on Kokusai Mondai)
- Article 3
- The copyrights to the papers published in Kokusai Mondai and provided by the Service as well as the copyrights to other posted data belong to the authors of these papers and the providers of these data, and Users shall be authorized to search, view and download these papers and data.
- The copyrights to screen images provided by the Service and the database copyrights pertaining to data indexes, comprehensive tables of contents, links in Kokusai Mondai, etc., belong to JIIA or to the parties designated by JIIA.
- Users shall handle posted data, etc., in accordance with the following:
- Users may not copy, modify, translate, edit or otherwise alter the data, etc. However, Users may download and print data, etc., for use in their own academic research.
- Users may not provide, distribute, lease, transfer or publicly transmit (or make available for automatic public transmission) the data, etc., to third parties in any media format whatsoever, whether for compensation or not.
- Users may not store the data, etc., on servers or other equipment available for joint use by other parties. This shall also apply to papers and data downloaded and printed in accordance with i. above.
- In addition to i) - iii), Users may not engage in any other act that infringes on the copyrights to the data, etc., or to the papers in Kokusai Mondai.
(User compliance)
- Users may not access the Service in an unauthorized manner, including unauthorized use of the user ID or password of another person.
- Users may not carry out automated bulk searches or downloads.
- Users may not engage in any actions that might interfere with the operation of the Service.
- Users may not engage in any other actions deemed by JIIA to be inappropriate.
(Suspension of use)
- Article 5
- JIIA may suspend the access of a User violating these Rules and take other necessary measures. This shall also apply when there is just cause for suspecting that the User has violated these Rules.
(Handling of personal information)
- Article 6
- JIIA shall appropriately manage all personal information capable of being used to identify a specific individual User (hereinafter, "personal information") and shall take measures to prevent unauthorized use, leakage, etc., of the same.
- JIIA shall use personal information within the necessary scope in the following instances (the same shall apply to the provision of such information to third parties):
- When necessary to process and approve an application for use of the Service
- When necessary to bill a User for usage fees or to contact/notify the User on other matters
- When necessary to demand compliance with or fulfillment of the provisions of these Rules by the User
- When consent is given by the User
- When provision is legally requested by a court, a prosecutor's office, police officials or other public organs or when similarly necessary in the public interest
- Provisions other than those in 2. above deemed necessary for the handling of personal information shall comply with the personal information regulations developed by the Research Organization of Information and Systems (ROIS).
(User liability)
- Article 7
- If a User violates these Rules and thereby interferes with the operation of the Service or otherwise causes harm to JIIA, JIIA may bill the User for compensation.
- Any dispute rising between a User and a third party (e.g., a data provider, a copyright holder to Kokusai Mondai, or another User) in the course of using the Service shall be resolved on the User's own responsibility, and the User may not seek to impose any liability whatsoever on JIIA.
(Indemnity for JIIA)
- Article 8
- JIIA shall not be liable in any way for the veracity, accuracy, utility, etc., of the data provided by the Service or of Kokusai Mondai.
- JIIA may suspend the Service when maintenance inspections, crash recoveries, or other such tasks are necessary.
- JIIA shall not be liable in any way for disputes involving, or damages to, Users arising from the provision, interruption, suspension or use of the Service.
(Revisions, etc.)
- Article 9
- JIIA shall revise these Rules as necessary, and shall notify Users of revisions by posting them on the Service website or by adopting some other means deemed appropriate by JIIA. In the absence of any particular stipulation to the contrary, the revised Rules shall be deemed in effect upon posting/notification.
- JIIA shall set out detailed usage regulations and prepare a User's Manual as necessary to ensure smooth operation of the Service and to provide operational details pertinent to these Rules. These regulations and the User's Manual shall be considered to constitute a part of these Rules.
- Article 10
- All questions arising with regard to matters not stipulated in these Rules and all disputes over interpretation of the provisions of these Rules shall be resolved through consultations conducted in good faith between the User and JIIA.
- These Rules shall be governed by the laws of Japan. Any and all disputes pertaining to the Service shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court as the court of first instance.
- Article 11
- In addition to the provisions set forth in these Rules, provisions necessary for the implementation of these Rules shall be stipulated separately.
- Additional Provision
- These Rules shall go into effect from November 1, 2005.

A highlight of JIIA's recent activities and a summary of its organization.
Kokusai Mondai (International Affairs)
No.680 April 2019 "Protecting Human Rights via International Procedures"
Vol.2 No.4 Spring 2019
"Japan and the Post-World War II Liberal International Order"
What Do Alliances Mean to the US?
(Fumiaki Kubo ed., 2013)